chapter twenty two

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its now Tuesday after school and after what happened in sebastian's dorm they cant stop smiling at each other as they sit at a table in the lima bean.

" yesterday was...unbelievable " he whispered in her ear making her blush.

" ugh so this is back on is it" santana said appearing infront of them.

" what do you mean back on we never stopped its will take more than distance to break us apart that is if that is actually possible which i dont think it is" sebastian said

" whatever fivel" santana said before walking away.

" no where were we oh yes we were talking about yesterday so tell me rach what is your favourite part of my body" sebastian asked

" i like your mouth when its shut" rachel giggled sebastian clutched his chest and pouted.

"ouch im hurt and i thought you were going to say my..." sebastian started to say.

" hello" kurt said pulling a chair out atthe otherside of the table.

" hey kurt" rachel said

" so how are things" kurt asked rachel could tell me was making an effort to be nice to sebastian and for that she was grateful.

" good and thank you  for looking after her for me" sebastian said

" blaine and i are going to breadstixs tonight if you guys want to join us" kurt asked

" ok" sebastian said rachel turned and looked at him surprised.

" great i will go tell blaine see you guys say seven ok " kurt said before leaving.

" i cant believe you agreed to that. " rachel asked

" well i like said i am pleased he was there for you and i dont like you getting stressed over the fact that kurt and i cant actually stand each othef. plis with my dad kurt is hardly my enemy is he " sebastian said

" well it means alot to me that the both of you are making the effort " rachel said

" yeah though as i sit there at the table in breadstixs trying to surpress all my witty remarks that normally i would say to him i might get stressed and need help relaxing afterwards " sebastian said trailing his finger along her thigh as he spoke.

"honestly " rachel giggled

later that day

rachel and sebastian arrived at breadstix just as kurt and blaine did rachel saw blaine giving her a a warm smile which told her he had told kurt to ask them tonight.

once they were seated and had ordered their drinks they sat looking at the menu and made small talk.

" thank you for inviting us" rachel said

" no problem rach we have wanted to double dateits so much fun" kurt said

" bet you never thouht i would be part of it" sebastian said rachel looked at him but he was smiling.

" no" kurt said

" me niether i ne er thought rach would give me a chance " sebastian said

" awe" blaine said

" yes we are adorable " sebastian said kissing her cheek.

the meal was lovely they chatted and both sebastian and kurt did their best to get along so etimes it was easier than others but they managed not to snap at each other the entire thime.

rachel drove sebastian home he still didnt have a car  so then like the past four nights they were stood on his grandparents driveway kissing each other goodnight.

" i best go my dads will worry if im late home" rachel said

" ok my lovely i will see you tomorrow maybe we could hang out on my dorm and do whatever " he said staring into her eyes.

" sounds perfect " rachel said

they shared another quick kiss before she left waving to hi as she pulled out of the driveway.


he stood watching her drive away wishing she cpuld have stayed but he knew firstly her dads wouldnt allow it and he doubted his grandparents would have agreed either.

so as the faint light of her headlights disappeared from view he turned and headed into the house and then wished he hadnt.  as his mom was stood pacing holding. piece of paper his grandad looked livid and his grandma walked over to him and hugged him.

" whats going on" sebastian asked

" its charles his response to me filing for divorce is that he had requested full custody of you" maggie said

author notice

next chapter tomorrow

heartache: a smytheberry storyWhere stories live. Discover now