chapter twenty nine

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once skylar was back with their coffees sebastian tuck rachel's hand and lead her into martin's hospital room where his mom was stood holding martin's hand.

" im here martin" she said

" are we ok to be in here" sebastian asked

" ofcourse i know martin thinks a lot of you seb" maggie said

" skylar got us all coffees" sebastian said handing maggie hers.

" what is it with you boys and coffee" maggie asked with a small smile.

" martin likes coffee too" sebastian said

" yeah he does" maggie said looking at martin.

" has the doctor said how long he will be in the coma " sebastian asked

" until the swelling on his brain reduces... where are grandma and grandad " maggie said sebastian looked at rachel.

" um i tnink they went home" sebastian said not looking at his mom.

" seb the smirking the pouting the snobby cocky attitude all the endless plotting against your classmates and peers i can tolerate but dont be a liar " maggie said

" they went to see... him" sebastian said

" oh i hope my mom doesnt get arrested" maggie said

" she wont" sebastian smiled.

" rachel can i have a word with you alone" maggie said suddenly

" yeah sure" rachel said

" can you give us a minute sebastian " maggie said

" i will be outside" sebastian said leaving the room.


rachel felt alittle apprehensive she hadnt been alone with his mom before and while she had met her several times now something had usually happened so they hadnt really gotton to know each other.

" seb reminds me of martin" maggie said rachel smiled

" you remind me of me" maggie said

"really " rachel asked softly as mggie was now looking at martin with tears in her eyes.

" when sebastian told me he had told you he was going to france and didnt tell you that it was because he was dating you  it proved to me how much he loves you he would rather hurt himself than hurt you. i know your young and we all think our love will last forever people say your naive when you think you have met the one at fifteen or sixteen. i met martin when i was fifteen and despite marrying charles and the years that have gone by he is still the man that i think of first thing on a morning and last thing on a night. what im trying to say is seb has told me your relationship was met with hostility and not just from charles. you must never listen to them rachel i did i didnt follow my heart and there hasnt been a day i havent regretted it. sebastian loves you and you love him that is all that matters " maggie said rachel smiled.

" you and martin should be together " rachel said

" if... when he wakes up im never letting him out of my sight" maggie said

" you deserve to be happy " rachel said

(knocking on the door)

" he cant keep aay from you can he" maggie chuckled as sebastian walked in.

" mom" sebastian said

" yeah" she said

" aunt penelope is here" sebastian said

" oh good grief no" maggie said

" who is she" rachel asked

" martin's sister" sebastian said

" is she nice" rachel asked

" she isnt anything like charles but she is how can i put it..." maggie was saying before the door burst open.

" oh marty" penelope said rushing into the room she was something to take in she was tall thin with long fake blonde hair she looked like she had had a lot of cosmetic surgery done.

" hey penny" maggie said

" maggie " penny said sebastian came and pulled rachel into a cuddle.

" what happened " penny asked.

" charles " maggie said

" charlie did this" penny asked

" yes im sure you have heard we are separated " maggie asked

" yes i heard cant say im surprised i cant believe you stuck it out so long" penny said

" niether can i" maggie said

" i know i havent been the most friendly person but it hasnt been easy for me to see martin unhappy and you unhappy with charlie. i only learned about you and martin after you and charlie were married i cant believe he chose to ruin his own twins happiness and forgore his own just to hurt martin " penny said

" i dont think charles has the capacity to be happy smug yes in control yes but not happy" maggie said then penny gaze drifted to rachel.

" sebby who is this" penny asked walking over to her and shaking her hand.

" aunt penny this is rachel " sebastian said

" nice to meet you" rachel said

" you too sebby you didnt tell me you had a girlfriend " penny said squeezing sebastian's cheek.

" dad shipped me off to paris so i havent had much chance too" sebastian said

" he did what" penny yelled

" he didnt even tell me" maggie said

" where is he im going to kick his ass" penny asked

" in jail my parents are visiting him" maggie said

"oh he will love that... who dont you two go outside and give maggie and i a moment " penny said.

sebastian hugged his mom before tking hold of rachel's hand and they left the room.

" she seems nice" rachel said

" she is nice she just doesnt know when to talk and when to shut up" sebastian said

"i have heard people say the same about you" skylar chuckled.

" im ignoring you" sebastian said to him before kissing rachel.

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