chapter seven

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sebastian was now in his dorm room pacing tears running down his face his dad had won no matter what he did his dad was going to win either way he wouldnt be with her.

" seb" thad's voice spoke through the door.

" i dont want to talk " sebastian said

" please just let us in" trent called sebastian was fucked off and angrily opened the door.

trent thad nick and jeff all pushed their way into his room before he could say anything.

" guess you all overheard us" sebastian said

" niether you or him are exactly whisperers" nick said

"we have been talking and we have a plan" thad said

" you do" sebastian asked

" yeah just tell him you have broke up with her we will cover for you" nick said

" guys it means alot to me but he is a lawyer he will find out" sebastian said

"what are you going to do" trent asked

" i dont know " sebastian said sitting down on hi bed his head in his hands.

" if there is anything you need let us know" jeffrey said

" thank sorry but i need to be alone right now" sebastian said the other boys nodded and left him alone.

the next day

the day raced by sebastian couldnt concentrate on his work he was in a foul mood he felt sick knowing that he was going to have to tell rachel the only thing he was certain of was once he was of age he was having nothing to do with his parents.

in no time at all the school day was over and he had to set off for rachels as he made his way out of dalton trent was stood at the top of the front steps.

" seb" trent said he looked pained for him.

"dont trent i cant talk right now" sebastian said before walking to his car.

as he reached her house rachel had just arrived herself she was stood by her car smiling at him he felt sick as he knew soon she wouldnt be smiling.

" hey" she said walking over to him as he got out of the car.

" hey" he said

" seb" she said as her expression turned to concern he couldnt hide his anguish today.

" we need to talk" sebastian said he saw the sadness in her eyes he knew she knew he was going to break up with her.

" oh.. your breaking up with me" she said

" lets go inside" sebastian said

" you are" rachel said before turning and running to the house he ran after her.

" rach wait" sebastian called after her he reached as she reached the front door.

" its not what you think " sebastian said his mind was now made up either way they couldn't be together.

" so your not breaking up with me" rachel asked tears dripping down her face.

" im going to Paris " sebastian said he couldn't do it to her he couldn't tell her he didnt want to be with her he couldn't tellher his dad thought she wasnt worthy of him.

" what" rachel asked

" im been sent back to my old school " sebastian said

" but..." rachel started to say

" im sorry my dad wants to send me back i dont have a choice im so so sorry believe i dont want to go i would rather be here with you but i cant be. just remember i love you tnis isn't a break up because i want to be with you its others preventing it by me going back to paris. " sebastian said

" you love me you never said that before " rachel said

"ofcourse i love you your my lovely rach" sebastian said stroking tears off her cheek.

"  i love you too" rachel said sobbing.

" once i graduate im coming back for you" sebastian said

" no you wont you will have all those pretty french girls fawning over you" rachel said

"they can fawn all they want my heart belongs to you so you better not get back with finn" sebastian said

" i wont... i cant believe this" rachel said getting more upset

" niether can i believe me if i could find a way to stop it i would" sebastian said

" when do you leave" rachel asked

" tonight" sebastian said

" will you be coming back during the summer" rachel asked

" i dont know but i doubt it my parents like to summer in paris" sebastian said

then cuddled each other for a long time before he knew if he didnt leave he wouldnt be able to the sight kf her crying was going to haunt him he knew it.

back at dalton

as he arrived back he walked to his dorm to find trent thad and niff all in his room.

" what did you tell her" thad asked softly

" i told her i am going to Paris " sebastian said

" what" nick asked

" it seemed the less cruel way of ended it she knows i love her she knows i havent chosen to leave her it seemed the best thing to do. plus the idea of staying her competing against her seeing her would be to hard so i need you guys to look out for her for me" sebastian said before breaking down.

" oh seb" trent said

" i need to be alone" sebastian said


as the clock chimed his dad walked into his dorm sebastian was facing away from him not wanting to see the person he hated more than anybody.

" well" was all his dad said

" you best book me a plane ticket" sebastian said

" you didnt do it"  his dad asked

" nope because unlike you i dont hurt the people i love that is if your even capable of it" sebastian said

author notice

hi guys hope your enjoying tnis story i know its not the easiest to read its not been easy to write. i am supposed to be sleeping now but i couldnt i had to write or type rather the next chapter.

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