chapter eighteen

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they arrived at the berry house and hiram opened the front door for them sebastian opened her door for her and held her hand as they made their way to the house.

" welcome back" hiram said

" thank you its good to be back" sebastian said placing a gentle kiss on rachel's forehead.

they made their way upto her room though a moment kater hiram ooened her door wide smiled and left them together.

" it feels so good having you back in my arms" sebastian said as they cuddled each other.

" it feels good to be back in them" rachel said

" i didnt want to lie to you" sebastian said

" i know you were protecting me though you could have told me " rachel said smiling at him.

" rach tbere was no way i could have we have to break up my mouth just couldnt say those words its like they have been removed from my vocabulary" sebastian said

" its been the longest week without you" rachel said

" its been the same for me too though i was trying to get expelled to be sent home" sebastian said

" why is the fact you were plotting not surprising to me" rachel giggled.

" i dont know what you mean... now one question i need answering do i have to punch any guys " sebastian asked

" what" rachel asked

" has any guy mainly finn been sulking round you while i have been away" sebastian asked

" no" rachel said

" good" sebastian said

" as any pretty french girls been after you" rachel asked

" nope i didnt even see a girl until we were on thd plane home the school is quite remote and once i got there i didnt leave until mom came for me" sebastian said

" trent has been lovely" rachel said

" yes i asked my friends to keep an eye on you and i hear your friends with kurt again" sebastian said

" yeah on monday i left school as i was so upset and then afterwards kurt and blaine artived they said trent thad and nick and jeff told them you had gone to paris " rachel said

" and kurt hasnt been bothering you " sebastian asked

" no" rachel said

" for real" sebastian asked.

" seb " rachel said he kissed her foreheand once more before they started to kiss.

they moved towards her bed without breaking the kiss sebastian sat down on the edge of her bed and pulled her too him sbe ended up sat astride him they got lost in the kiss only stopping for air.

" well would you look at that what i was picturing the other night has come true" sebastian said rachel blushed.

" yeah you were blushing in my imagination too" he said stroking her burning cheek.

" shut up" rachel giggled.

" thats not very nice " sebastian said though he was smirking at her.

" be quiet and kiss me" rachel said

" ooh i love this dominant side its sexy" sebastian said before kissing her.

" i wish we were in your dorm " rachel said looking at her open bedroom door.

" so do i i think we best cool off a little last thing we want is another pussed off dad or in your case two pissed off dads" sebastian said rachel nodded and climbed off him grabbed her tv remote and started scanning netflixs for something to watch.

then they laid cuddled up on top of her bed and forgot about netflixs and spent the whole time kissing and cuddling.

" im sorry but it getting late" leroy said from outside her door a while later.

" right" sebastian said sitting up.

" its gone to quick" rachel pouted sebastian cuddled her.

" i take it your coming in the car with us" leroy said

" yes" rachel said

the whole car drive to his grandparents house they sat holding hands though sebastian was making her giggle by rubbing his thumb against her palm her dad kept looking in the mirror amused.

once at the house they stood outside the car having a goodnight kiss niether were in any rush to break the kiss until the front door opened.

" sebastian " a woman's voice called out they broke apart.

" hey grandma " sebastian called back.

" let your young lady breathe " she said waving a walking stick at him laughing.

" yeah your dad was right about my family been interesting " sebastian said

" i look forward to meet you my dear at dinner tomorrow i will leave you two wbat you were doing" she said

" i will be in a minute " sebastian said she waved goodbye to rachel and closed the door.

" i best worn you my grandma has a way with words" sebastian said putting his arms around her waist.

" oh really reminds me of someone " rachel said

" really i wonder who" sebastian said before they kissed again.

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