chapter thirteen

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the next been friday rachel has had a spring in her step having been able to email sebastian though she is tired after staying up into the early hours. the school day was dragging she wanted to be home and back on her computer.


thad was sat in french class thinking about an idea he had what if he emailed sebastian for the address of his school that way he could send him a cellphone then they could talk to him.

as the bell rang thad decided it couldnt wait until this evening though he hd no idea what time it was in france he knew he wouldnt be able to settle until he had sent the email.

" thad where are you going" nick called to him as he was walking in the opposite direction of the dining hall.

" i will tell you later" thad called back.


sebastian was getting dressed for the school day thought had yet to actually pay any attention in any class but today was different he had a small smile on his face. he couldnt wait to chat with her later he was glad it was the weekend they could spend the next few days emailing one another.

as ge was fastening his tie his computer bleeped he dashed over and clicked the email icon and an em5frommthad popped up asking for the schools address sebastian smiled to himself he had been a bad influence on the dalton boys but the rewards were paying off.  after firing off and email to thag with the information he needed the idea of been able to talk to rachel made his small smile get bigger.


sebastian's mom maggie was on her way to see her son she wanted to see if he was alright she was concerned she hadnt heard from him this week. though that wasnt particularly odd as sebastian was always busy with friends he often forgot to check in with her. however maggie had a very odd feeling this time like it wasnt him jusy ignoring her calls or not checking in. her mother's intuition was telling her to go see him and so she was driving to his school.


charles was pacing in his office his fusts clenched how could this be happening to him he thought he had put everything into his career and he wasnt going to let his own son and the idiot who had recorded them arguing spoil what he had worked so hard to achieve he was so close.


rachel was sat in glee and for the first time ever she wasnt paying attention she couldnt focus santana was giving her evils but rachel didnt care she was sat there staring at the wall clock wishing time to hurry up.


as the school bell sounded at dalton thad headed to his dorm as he knew the other guys would want to know what he had done during lunch.

" well what was so important you missed  lunch" trent asked as he and niff arrived.

" i sent  seb an email asking for his school address as you kniw i got a new phone a few weeks ago so i figured why not send him my old one it still works then we can talk to him" thad said

" thats brilliant " trent said

" i know" thad sai

" and the answer to who has taken over sebastian's crown as thw most humble goes to harwood" nick said and the four of them laughed.

" seb" they heard a voice call they looked at each other and left the room to find maggie smythe knocking on sebastian's old dormroom door.

" seb its mom" she said

" mrs smythe "thad said she turned and smiled at him.

" hello thad do you know where my son has got too" she asked realisation hit thad like a brick.

" oh my god you dont know" he exclaimed fear washed over maggie.

" your scaring me thad where is he" she asked clutching her chest.

" he is in paris" thad said

" paris" she said in disbelief.

" yeah his said sent him back to his old school" trent said

" your having me on your joking" she said

" mrs smythe your husband sent seb away because he started dating a girl he didnt approve of" jeff said

" no" she said shaking her head.

"his dad didnt tell you" trent said

"no he didnt...he sent my son abroad without telling me without my agreement im going to kill him" she said begore running towards the stairs.


rachel was now at home she had emailed sebastian and was waiting for him to reply she wasnt waiting very long.

hey my lovely
hope today was ok at school out if curiosity what are you wearing


rachel giggled then replied.

hey seb
honestly seb! today was alright but it dragged i couldnt wait to be home to email you.

a moment later

hey my lovely

i just want to picture you sat at your computer i always loved your blue thin strapped polka dot dress kind of daltonish especially with your red headband... who im pucturing that now

seb xxxxxxxxxxxx

rachel giggled

hey seb

im wearing a white blouse yellow cardigan and black mini skirt what about you

rach xxxxxxx

hey my lovely

your outfit sound lovely you look beautiful no matter what you wear as for what im wearing im naked right now. i will wait until you recover from having fainted.

seb xxxxxx

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