chapter seventeen

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rachel cuddled up to sebastian she felt him tense up when his dad appeared she had never met the man but sebastian had told her he didnt have the best relationship with him.

" what are you doing here" maggie said

" im sorry maggie he followed me" a woman who rachel figured was maggie's sister as they looked so alike said arriving out of breath.

" whats going on" rachel asked looking at sebastian.

" charles you have some nerve coming here" maggie said

" i did it for his own good look at her she isnt good enough for him" charles said rachel couldnt believe it sebastian tightened his hold of her.

" mr berry could you hold my handbag please while i slap him" maggie asked

" with pleasure aslong as i can do the same after" leroy said he hd been seething at cgsrles since he said that about rachel.

" ofcourse " maggie said

" your not going to slap me" charles said smugly but the sound of a hand slapping a cheek echoed around them as maggie had indeed slapped charles.

" oh you will regret that" charles said though he seemed surprised she had actually done it.

" the only thing i regret is not divorcing you sooner i cant regret marrying you as i wouldnt have my son" maggie said

"he is hardly anything to be proud of" charles said

" he sent you away to get you away from me" rachel said to sebastian.

" too right i did" charles said

" his thoughts and opinions dont mean anything i love thats all that matters" sebastian said

" i love you" rachel said

" maggie you and him are coming home with me right now" charles demanded.

" no we are not" sebastian said

" maggie" charles said

" before i boarded the plane to paris to get my son i called my lawyer im divorcing you you cant control me anymore what you have done is beyond forgivable. your a horrible man and your about to realise how much power you have lost.  " maggie said

" what are you talking about power" charles said

" im not a stupid woman charles im not dumb all those times phone calls you made to the cayman islands i recorded the conversations. all those little deals you have done over the years the fairfield timber company for example what do you think state attorney mr peyton would think about you pre-dating their insurance cover when they set fire to it themselves to get the payout or tbat a portion of thay money went to you. " maggie said

" your bluffing" charles said though he looked worried.

" am i well your going to find out soon enough now i suggest you do us all a favour and get lost" maggie said

charles turned on his heel and left rachel sebastian his mom her dad and his aunt all stood watching him leave.

" maggie im so sorry he arrived at the house looking for you we told him we didnt know where you were but a i was pulling into the parking lot here he appeared behind me he must have follwed me" nora said

" dont worry nora the only things that matter is seb is safe back here and back with rachel and tgat i finally grew the balls to divorce him" maggie said rachel liked maggie her turn of phrase reminded her of sebastian.

" right then shall we head to the house" nora asked

" i will i think sebastian wishes to spend time with rachel" maggie said

" ofcourse you ring me when you want picking up" nora said

" i dont have my cell he took it before i boarded the plane" sebastian said

" i can drive him" rachel said

" im just worried about charles um..." maggie said

" i will drive him to yours" leroy said

" only if its not to much trouble " maggie said

" seeing my daughter smiling again makes it worthwhile " leroy said

the five of them headed outnof the airport together sebastian had  his arm around rachel as they walked.

" right then we are in bay c" leroy said

" bay b" nora said

" well rachel it was lovely to meet you come for dinner tomorrow night i want you to see my side of the family isnt cruel or crazy " maggie said.

" it was nice to meet you too and i would love too" rachel said

" im vegan i hope your ok with vegan food" maggie asked

" im vegan" rachel said

" excellent " maggie said before hugging sebastian.

" mom i will be fine" sebastian said

" i know but shut up and hug me" maggie said

" mr berry it was great to meet you too you and mrs berry should have dinner with us one night" maggie said

" um mom rachel has two gay dads" sebastian said

" im sorry you and mr berry should Joinus for dinner" maggie said smiling warmly.

"we would love to you seem like an as interesting family as us" leroy said

" we certainly have our moments" nora said

they all waved to each other as they headed to their cars rachel opted to get in the back with sebastian and they sat holding hands all the way to hers.

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