chapter three

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the next morning rachel woke up the sense of dread washed over her sebastian had been at the mall to take on santana but he wasnt going to be at school with her she was going to have to face people on her own.

as she got up and headed to her bathroom to shower she saw her beautiful dress hung up she had left her closet open so she coukd see it. a small smile curled her lips as she looked at it its Thursday but saturday seemed a long way away alot could happen before that she bad two days of santana to get through first.

once she wss dressed her phone buzzed she hoped it wasnt kurt and she was in luck as sebastian's smiling face was on her screen he had taken a photo of himself so that it would pop up when he either rang or messaged her.

morning my lovely
hope your ok i know
its going to be a difficult
day but just remember
you get to see me afterwards
if you need me just ring.
see you later xx

rachel sighed why was life so complicated she was in a relationship it was still at the beginging it was fun and she was happy he made her happy so why were others inclined to spoil it.

as rachel arrived at schokl she kept her head down and headed straight for her locker she felt paranoid tgat everyone was looking at her which she knew they werent as most of the school had no clue who she was.

" hey rach " kurt said appearing next to her she couldnt believe he was speaking to her especially  after sebastian bad answered her phone all kurt had done was yell at him.

" hey" she said

" can i have a word before class" kurt asked

"ok" rachel said though she really wanted to say no.

she followed kurt into a disused classroom and he closed the door behind the two of them then looked at her a small smile on his face.

" so whats going on rach " kurt asked

" im dating sebastian "  rachel said

" why is he blackmailing you into it" kurt asked

" no" rachel exclaimed

" ok are you trying to mke finn jealous is that it" kurt asked rachel shook her head.

" kurt i know this is difficult for you to understand but im dating sebastian because i like him not for any other reason" rachel said

" so he isnt tricking you into it" kurt said

" this conversation is over" rachel said before storming out of the classroom.

the rest of the day was a mixture of confrontations by certain members of the glee club and bern slushied by quinn and santana.

the following day was the same rachel couldnt wait for the final bell to signal the weekend had started while the past two days at school had been awful seeing sebastian afterwards certainly helped.


rachel was stood infront of her mirror looking at herself in the beautiful dress she had butterflies in her tummy he had never gone to a dance with a boy before it wa a first for her.

she heard a car she grbbed her purse and headed downstairs her dads werent home which she was grateful about as they would have no doubt embarrassed her not intentionally but tbey were over thr top sometimes.

as she opened the door sebastian was stoid there wearing a tux and loooking absolutely gorgeous he was holding a bouquet of roses of different colours.

" for you my lovely" sebastian said

" thank you...come in" rachel said taking them and heading to get a vase.

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