chapter twenty seven

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the next day sebastian was sat on rachel's bed she was in the shower they were going shopping he wanted to get his mom a nice gift to cheer her up.

rachel walked out of the enduite wrapped in a large towel sebastian could help gaze at her liking what he saw.

" what i wouldnt give for a gust of wind right now " sebastian smirked rachel giggled.

" i wont be long" rachel said walking to her closet to try to find something to wear,

" no rush babe you wear that towel for aslong as you want" sebastian said rachel turned and smiled at him before turning her attention back to her close.

" what about the blue polka dot dress" sebastian said

" yes you told me you liked that." rachel said

" thats what i always pictured you wearing when i was in paris" sebastian said rachel picked the blue polka fot dress and then turned to look at him.

" guess I'm waiting outside" sebastian said getting up.

" little pointless after the other day in my dorm" sebastian muttered as he left but he kbew it was for her dads sake that she wanted him to leave and he didnt want any more pissed of parents.

rachel opened her bedroom door and he looked at her the dress really was his fravorite of her outfits.

" well i see your challenging me to see how long i can keep my hands off you" sebastian said before wrapping his arms around her.

" you failed" rachel giggled

" yeah for the first time ever i dont mind losing" sebastian smirked before thdy got lost in a kiss.

(cough) they broke apart to see leroy stood next to them carrying a basket of laundry.

" hey daddy" rachel said

" morning my dear morning sebastian" leroy said looking amused begore he headed for the stairs which they follwed him down.

a short while later

they were now at the mall loking for something for his mom sebastian had phoned rachel after his talk with his mom and told her what had been said.

" chocolates " rachel said pointing to a store.

" i want something meaningful " sebastian said

" such as" rachel asked

" i dont know" sebastian said

" well you know if your not sure we could take her out next weekend for the day get her away from the situation " rachel said

" thats a great idea" sebastian said

" you think so" rachel said

" absolutely especially after monday we are all going to need something to look forward to" sebastian said

" Monday " rachel asked

" i didnt say anythjng as i didnt want to spoil your happy mood this morning but we got a letter this morning thr custody hearing is scheduled for monday afternoon" sebastian said

" after school " she asked

" no two pm im having to leave dalton early i think my dad has done that so thad cant say what he saw whennmy dad confronted me" sebastian said

" i wish i could be there to support you" rachel said the look of concern in her big brown eyes made him fall more in love with her.

"im glad your not i dont want you anywhere near that bastard i call a dad" sebastian said

" but i wanted to support you" rachel said

" you will be i will be thinking of you the whole time" sebastian said before pulling her into a cuddle.

"  now seen as though we are no longer looking for a gift how about we pick up a sandwich and head to my dorm" sebastian asked

" i like the sound of that" rachel giggled.


they were in his dorm room making out passionately when someone knocked on his door sebastian carried on kissing her ignoring the knocks.

" seb" trent called

" im busy" sebastian shouted before resuming the kiss.

" its important " trent called back sebastian pulled away from rachel a frown of annoyance on his face.

he climbed off the bed and walked over to the door and opened it trent retreated slightly whennhe saw sebastian's face.

" trent i was busy" sebastian said pointing to rachel.

"im sorry its just i thought you should know your dad has been arrested "  trent said

" last night" sebastian said giving his dad been escorted away from his  grandparents.

" no about an hour ago " trent said

" what" sebastian asked

"  my dad just texted me to say your dad was arrested at his office about an hour ago they arrested him for assault " trent said

" assault who has he assault please tell me its not my mom" sebastian said frantically as he felt rachel's arms wrap around him.

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