chapter forty one

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its one month later and its the day of maggie and martin's ceremony rachel is upstairs in the guest bedroom she had stayed in before getting ready. maggie had chosen a pale blue colour for the bridesmaids dresses she said their  matched martins eyes. maggie had chosen rachel nora and penny has her bridesmaids.

rachel was finishing her hair maggie had decided as the ceremony was taking place in the garden tbat the bridesmaids should have flowers in their hair so rachel clipped the pale peach coloured rose into her hair just as she finished doing so the bedroom door opened and in walked sebastian looking fainting inducingly handsome in his grey suit.

" you look unbelievable " he said as he walked over to her.

" thank you so do you" rachel said before they had a quick kiss.

" its a good thing you only need to wear that dress once as it will be ripped off you tonight " sebastian said

" well that is going to be difficult to explain to my dads when they come to pick me up" rachel giggled.

" yeah it is" sebastian smirked.

" rachel" lily said walking in the room rachel felt awkward as sebastian shouldn't be in her room.

" yeah" rachel said

" your dads have arrived" lily said

" my dads" rachel asked

" yeah didnt you know they were invited " lily asked

" no they never told me" rachel said

  anyway they are down stairs and they would like to see you" lily said

" ok" rachel said heading for the door.


" i was just telling her how beautiful she looked" sebastian said  after rachel had left the room knowing his grandma didnt like him been in rachel's room.

" i can imagine " lily said sebastian watched as lily came walking over to him and pulled him into a hug.

" you ok" sebastian asked

" this is one of the happiest days of my life" lily said stroking his face.

"its the happiest day of mine without a doubt" sebastian said

" has she got any idea" lily asked

" i dont think so" sebastian said smiling.

" you best get to her dds incase they give the game away" lily said sebastian nodded kissed his grandma's cheek before heading to find rachel and her dads.

" daddies" he heard rachel say as he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw her dads were stood by the front door.

" my dear you are a vision" hiram said

" why didnt you tell me you were invited " rachel said

" hey" sebastian said wrapping his arms around rachel.

" well it was all very last minute we came here to bring something you forgot we rang the house to make sure it was ok for us to drop by and maggie invited us to stay for the ceremony" leroy said

" oh thats nice what did i forget " rachel asked

" this" hiram said handing a bag to sebastian.

" what is it" rachel asked

" your overnight bag" leroy said both dads smiled at her and walked towards the kitchen.

" so that means..." rachel started to say but sebastian decided to cut her off by kissing her exposed shoulder and neck.

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