chapter twenty five

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after the police had managed to remove charles everyone was rather shook up nora and maggie were in the kitchen with the door closed talking martin was looking out of the window rachel was once more sat on sebastian's knee.

" what did aunt maggie see in him" skylar asked sebastian saw martin look at skylar then back out of the window.

" she was young when they met" lily said

"  its hard to believe someone as lovely as her would marry someone like him" skylar said

" like your grandma said she was young and love can cloud your judgement " sj said

" i think she has been a saint to put up with him" martin said

then maggie and nora came out of the kitchen it was clear maggie had been crying sebastian shifted in his seat so rachel got off his knee and he went over to her.

" mom" he said

"im ok" she said smiling st himmbut he could see the pain in her eyes he hugged her and she hugged him tightly back.

" nothing a good hug from my son cant make better" she said

" maggie" martin said but she didnt look at him.

" i hope you guys dont mind but its been a taxing day im going to go have a bath and an early  night" maggie said

" ok love" lily said

" come here sweetheart" sj said and maggie gave her dad a kiss goodnight before ending upstairs.

rachel moved towards sebastian and cuddled him as he stoid watching his mom walking up the stairs.

" i best be going" martin said

" you can stay if you want" lily said

" n i best get back to my hotel but thank you for the offer and thank you for inviting me " martin said

" your welcome martin your always welcome here" sj said

" thank you good night everyone and rachel it was lovrly to meet you":martin said

" you too" rachel said as martin headed to the front door.

" uncle martin " sebastian called aftsr him.

" i wont be long" sebastian said kissing rachel quickly before running after hus uncle.

" uncle martin" sebastian called out martin was already at his car but stopped and looked at him.

" you ok seb" martin asked

" yeah but i want to know whats going on with my mom" sebastian said

" your dad us been an idiot thats whats going on" martin said

" im not talking about my dad im talking about you and my mom all my life i have seen things the way you look at her the way she looks at you uncle martin tell me what's going on" sebastian said

" its nothing" martin said

" im not stupid dont fob me off" sebastian said

" look its not the time or the place" martin said

" just tell me i wont be mad do you love her are you in love with my mom" sebastian asked martin looked at the ground a pained expression on his face.

" yes" martin said

" and she knows " sebastian said

" yes" martin said

" does she love you" sebastian asked

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