chapter six

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after a fitful nights sleep sebastian woke up to find rachel was no longer in bed he sat up and smelled pancakes and cofee wafting in through the open bedroom door.

he decided he needed to clear his head so he opted to have a quick showerbefore he got dressed and headed downsfairs.

" once again something smells good" sebastian said wrapping his arms around her from behind before kissing her hair.

" thank you and good morning" rachel said

" good morning my lovely" sebastian said

" i made coffee" rachel said

" good you know me rach i love my coffee" sebastian asked

" i know you do its a new coffee i bought yesterday because i know how much you like coffee " rachel said

" you bought this coffee just for me" sebastian asked

" yep" rachel said

" you are so adorable " sebastian said

" adorable like a puppy" rachel said

" adorable like the most amazing girlfriend " sebastian said rachel turned round to face him and kissed him they started getting lost in the kiss until the pancakes started to burn.

" breakfast is served " rachel said

" careful or i might get used to you cooking for me" sebastian said then felt his tummy flip asthoughts of his dad came back to him.

" seb what is it " rachel asked

" what" sebastian said smiling

" your face then you looked upset" rachel asked

" i got whacked during lacrosse practise " sebastian said which was true he had been whacked but that wasnt the cause.

" are you alright" rachel asked looking concerned.

"im fine " sebastian said

rachel studied him for a moment before they both sat down to eat their breakfasts sebastian was hating himself for not been honest with her but he didn't want to hurt her she looked so happy happier than he could ever recall seeing her.

" what time are your dads back " sebastian asked

" lunchtime" rachel said

" do you want to see a movie tomorrow after school" sebastian asked

" yeah sounds good" rachel said smiling at him.

all to soon time whizzed by and he knew he had to leave as while her dads liked him if they found out he had stayed over they wouldn't be happy even though nothing had happened.

" so can i Skype you later." sebastian asked

" yeah i would like that " rachel said

they had one final goodbye kiss and sebastian headed to his car throw his bag in the trunk and got in and drove away only as he turned off her street he pulled over tuck out his cell and turned it back didnt take long for him to realise just how much trouble he was in he had over a hundred missed calls. over thirty from his dad more than twenty from his mom 16 from trent twelve from thad nine from nick and four from jeffrey.

sebastian scrolled the contact list and pressed call.

trent: seb are you alright

seb: yeah is everything ok

trent:  no seb i have been so worried about you

seb: is it my dad

trent: yeah he turned up here at dalton he banged on all our dorms demanding to know where you were he also demanded to know where rachel lives.

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