chapter twenty one

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the evening had been lovely rachel liked his family minus his dad ofcourse now however was the time to leave and head home.

sebastian walked her to her car where thdy stood having a long goodbye kiss and a cuddle.

" so what do you think to my family then" sebastian asked as they broke thr kiss.

" lovely and very interesting " rachel said

" yeah nothing about me is dull or its school tomorrow may i have the pleasure of your company afterwards " he asked staring into her eyes.

" oh i dont know let me think about it...yes that would be ok" rachel giggled

" ooh teasing me thats exciting " sebastian said before pressing her gently against her car and kissing her again.

the next day

school was boring rachel couldnt focus even santana's insults blunced off her today santana didnt yet know that sebastian was back.

yesterday when she and sebastian had spent the day together they had gottom him a new phone so now he was texting her a countdown to whennthey would be seeing her. he was also sending her photos of his blazer and his tie with the caption see something you like. he had even sent her a photo of him shirtless while he was getting dressed that morning.

as the afternoon rolled by rachel couldnt wait to see him she decided to skip glee today she wanted to be with him.

hey my lovely how
do you fancy dinner
tonight xxxxxxx

rachel sat and read the text she sent him a quick reply.

while that does sound
lovely i have a better
idea i will come meet
you at dalton ok

rachel pressed send and waited she wasnt waiting long

ooh sounds very
interesting cant wait
to see you babe

rachel smiled at the screen she knew what she wanted them to do and she had a very good feeeling he was going to be very happy about it.


sebastian was in his old dorm whike he gad family in westerville he actually preferred staying at dalton been free from his dad had been a blessing.

the headmaster at dalton had returned his dorm key to him when he had arrived this morning sebastian was sat waiting for rachel. he thought about changing but decided she deserves to see him in his uniform so he sat waiting then there was a knick on the door.

smiling he opened the door to find a boy he didnt know looking at his grin with caution then the other boy spoke.

"sebastian smythe i presume im hunter claringtion im the new captain of the warblers i thought i best come introduce myself i dont want there to be any hostility between us as i know you were captain " hunter said

" its ok i get it they didnt know i was coming back niether did i atleast not as soon" sebastian said

" i heard about your dad we are alot like you and me im here because my mom accepted daltons scholarship because my dad forced me tl go to military school which i hated. so we both had dickhead dads so i was thinking while my military acadamy won regionals with my leadership i know that you know the warblers better than i do. i guess what im trying to say is why dont we work together between us we could win nationals" hunter said

" yeah that sounds good " sebastian said

" hey" rachel said arriiving next to hunter.

" so thats why you were smiling i will leave you it was nice meeting you" hunter said before walking away.

sebastian pulled rachel to him bringing her int his dorm and closing the door she opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off kissing her.

" so rachel what do you want to do with me" sebastian asked her.

" i thought we could just stay here" rachel said

" shall i find us a dvd" he asked rachel shook her head and wrapped her arms around his next and standing on her tip toes she kissed him.

" making out seems a very good use of our time" sebastian said

" it does doesnt it" rachel giggled

they laid on top of his bed cuddled up kissing for a long time until sebastian knew he needed to cool off so he broke the kiss.

" why did you stop" rachel asked

" remember when i said about going to the bathroom to take care of a situation " sebastian asked

" kiss me" rachel said

" i need a minute" sebastian said

" seb kiss me its ok" rachel said he looked at her.

" but your not read..." sebastian started to say.

" do you know one of the main things that got to me when you were in paris apart from missing you. i thought what if i never saw you again and i wished that you were my first because even if i hadnt seen you again i would want it to be with you" rachel said

" are you sure" he asked

" kiss me and find out" rachel said the smirk of his face was all the answer he needed to give.

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