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I stared at the note the stranger gave me, just like how I had stared at him.

"If you ever need a job."

Why would he offer a random stranger a job? I thought. The question baffled me.

The sun was about to set now, the light slowly descending. I left the won the man gave me on the table so Jin could collect it, and left the cafe.

I took a taxi nearby, directing it to take me home. It was usually a ten minute drive, but this time took forty due to traffic.

Resting my head in my hands, I looked out the window, trying to find anything remotely interesting I could see.

The stranger was a sight to see, wasn't he?

I rolled my eyes at myself. Stop it, Sora. He could have been a stalker, the way he was staring at you.

Nearly an hour later the taxi arrived at my apartment, and I fished out the leftover won I had in my bag and handed it to him.

He gave me a dirty look. The money I gave him wasn't enough at all, but he drove off.

Thank God he left. I didn't feel like arguing now.

I turned to face my apartment, one of the ten in the big building. I entered it, going up the stairs, right to the top.

My flat was the second one on the right. I took out my keys and unlocked it, entering and closing the door.

I realised I still had the coat which I was posing in. Oh well. Free designer.

I tossed it on the sofa, a chocolate coloured one facing the TV at the edge of the living room. To its far left was the entrance to the bedroom, and behind the sofa, next to me, was the doorway to the kitchen. The room next to my bedroom was the bathroom.

I tightened my ponytail as I entered the kitchen. The dishes were still there in the sink, waiting for their owners to put them in the dishwasher.

I decided today wasn't that day, so I just ignored them, proceeding to the fridge. I opened it, finding it nearly empty, save for some milk and eggs and leftover ramen.

"There it is," I said. I grabbed it, closing the fridge, and popped the ramen in the microwave. Few minutes later it was ready, steam rising from the box.

I took it out and closed the door, heading back into the living room. I plopped myself down on the sofa and dug in to my dinner.

There wasn't much left of it, so I was still hungry by the time I was finished.

Whatever. There's nothing I can do about it now.

I took out my phone, checking any recent messages. Fishing out the note, I copied the number into my contacts. I was about to put in the name when I stopped.

I don't even know his name.

My thumb hovered over 'call'. I'm gonna be fired anyway, so I might as well ask about the job.

I tapped call, pressing the phone to my ear. I waited a minute before the call declined.

"The person you're calling is not available right now. Please try again later."

"Huh?" I called him again, but the call only lead to that woman's voice.

I tried this an embarrassing five times until I got sick of it.

Alright then.

Slightly pissed, I turned the TV on, going straight to Netflix. I binged watched tragic shows and cried myself to sleep.


I arrived at the agency, surprised to be called at work.

"You have attitude issues, Sora," Baram stated. "So get it together. I'll give you one more chance."

"Okay," I muttered. Shitface.

"Now quick!" he ushered me into the changing rooms. "You've got another shoot in five."

I nodded, dumping my bag on a chair nearby and going inside the fitting rooms.

Many girls, some half-naked, were getting changed for their shoots. A runner boy handed me my set and hurried back to the main room.

I quickly stripped my clothes and changed into the new attire. I cringed slightly at the fabric, the feel rough and rugged.

"I know," Eunja murmured, noticing my discomfort. She was one of the better models in this shit agency, and always had the beef on every one who's tasted the sweet sensation of fame.

"Next thing you know, I'm wearing a cactus for the summer collection," I retorted.

Eunja laughed. "True though."

"Let's go, girls!" Baram shouted, clapping his hands. I quickly slipped on the boots and entered the main room.

"Alright!" Baram ordered. "Eunja, you're on first, Sora, makeup!"

Eunja hurried onto the shoot, placing herself in front of the white wallpaper and started to pose.

The fans pulled her hair back, adding a certain oomph to her pictures as the cameras snapped her look.

"Sora, you're on!" Baram shouted. I quickly ran a hand through my hair, makeup done, and hurried in front of the cameras.

I set my feet apart slightly, and braced my hands on my hips.

"Right, action!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, just in time when the cameras started snapping. I set a cold gaze as men took pictures of me.

"Better! Better!" Baram screamed.

Bastard. Ruining the image. My face turned even more grave. My hair fanned behind me, going all over the place.

Eunja gave a thumbs up behind the camera. I gave her a wink as I changed pose.

"Okay, STOP!" Baram ordered. Everyone instantly stopped, including me.

My boss came over to me. His look indicated that he wants to slap me hard on the face. "You never fucking learn, do you?"

I raised a brow. "What have I done now?"

"Pah!" he exclaimed. "I cannot believe I've got a model who doesn't even know how to model!"

"Baram, can you just tell me what I did wrong?" I was getting sick of his attitude.

"You should know yourself!" Baram rubbed his forehead with his hand. "Sora, you're the worst model I've ever had to work with. I don't know who else will put up with you after this."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. The old man has said this countless times. I was about to snap at him when a familiar voice purred into the room.

"I will."

That voice. It's familiar. So familiar.

I turned my head towards the voice. What I saw before me gave me a heart attack.

Standing at the doorway, with his hands in his pockets, was none other than the owner of world class designer chain V, a multi-millionaire and the most eligible bachelor in Seoul, if not the entirety of South Korea.

Kim Taehyung.


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