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Just to be on the safe side, I had come to the headquarters an hour early.

Taehyung's secretary informed me of another appointment with the big man himself. She said that it was of my shot publishing.

"Mr. Kim will see you now, Miss Yoon," the old woman said.

I looked down at myself. This time I wore a royal blue blouse and black pants, heels of the same colour adorning my feet.

A messy bun I had again. I couldn't help it, really. It makes me look much cuter than I truly am.

"Okay," I said to the secretary, and walked to the door, pushing it open.

Taehyung sat at the desk, the lone furniture in the room save for a couch and table by the side.

Just by sitting in the middle, he looked powerful. Someone who could change your entire life.

Exactly like this news he's about to give me.

The multimillionaire caught sight of me and instantly grinned.

"Miss Yoon! Just the person I wanted to see!" he ushered me over with his hand.

I walked to his desk and sat on the chair, the same nerves I had last time here creeping.

Taehyung took out a magazine. Jeon, it read out.

Oh my God. This was the Korean version of Vogue or Elle.

What truly made it shocking was something else.

I was on the front cover. My hands were akimbo. A ghost of a smile played on my red lips.

A gasp escaped me.

"Truly amazing, isn't it?" Taehyung said.

He pointed to the wording next to my head on the magazine. "It even has your name on it. Yoon Sora."

The way he said my name was glorious, yet that was quickly overshadowed by my excitement. "I can't believe it," I breathed out.

"You better, because this is only the start," Taehyung said.

He put the magazine gingerly on the table. "I've got thousands of people who reviewed it. And let me tell you that they're in love with you."

A smile reached my lips. "I..."

"They didn't even care about that atrocious attire of yours because all that mattered was that one shot.

"And Miss Yoon," Taehyung whispered, leaning in slightly, "You took that look and made it the very best."

"I-I..." I stuttered. It was hard, if not a little embarrassing, hearing compliments.

Most would think I'd be used to it, being a model and all. But that's the point.

I had never been praised. Not by my parents, or my employers, not anyone.

Only Somi cheered me on. My sweet sister, who believed in me from the start.

When I looked at Taehyung, I found another person who thought the same.

There was a question, however, I had to ask.

"Why the third shot?" I asked. "I preferred the other two."

"You see, the other two had a serious look about it," Taehyung explained. "But then that third shot..."

The man's mouth quirked to the side. "That smile in that shot." He sighed. "Reviews say that only this smile had the customers going crazy.

"I'm not surprised, Miss Yoon. It had me feeling things as well."

I was sure my heart skipped a beat. The blush crept in.

Taehyung locked his hands together. "Clearly this needs to be celebrated."

I blinked. "What?"

"You heard me." Taehyung got up, buttoning up his coat. "Come. I'll pay for lunch."

Tempting as it was, I declined. I already have had lunch with him. A daily routine would only be a nuisance to him.

Plus, I had to meet Somi. She needs to know about my new contact, and this sudden break.

"It's okay, Mr Kim. I'm good."

Taehyung looked at me intently. His eyes narrowed. "Have you got plans with someone else?"

"Well, no, but I am planning to meet someone," I answered.

The man grew still. I could have sworn a muscle tightened in his jaw. "Alright then, Miss Yoon," he gritted out. "Enjoy your day."

Taehyung walked past me to the door, opening it. He looked to me, waiting.

I stood up. "You want me to leave?"

"You're not going to meet your someone here, are you?" he drawled.

What's up with him? I thought. His sarcasm had me slightly irritated, but I bit down on my snapping.

"Sorry," I mumbled, going over to the door.

As I walked past him, he muttered,"Don't be."

I didn't look back as I headed towards the lifts.

I could here the fading conversation of Taehyung and his secretary, but I didn't bother to eavesdrop.

I pressed the button, the lift doors slithering open. I went inside quickly and tapped for ground floor, hoping it would close before Taehyung got here.

Thankfully it did, as my boss just missed it.

I would have felt guilty, but at that time, I had become slightly pissed.

What's with the mood changes? First he was over the moon but suddenly there's a cactus stuck up his ass.

Whatever. Taehyung probably thinks that swimming in money gives him the permission to have unnecessary mood swings.

I scoffed. Rich people.

The lift opened, and I stepped out, exiting the building.

Out in the city, I texted Somi to come to Jin's café. She agreed, saying she'll be there in twenty.

Good. That meant that Chanhyeok was out working on a major case, meaning he wasn't watching his wife like a hawk.

Fucking bastard. His moods were far worse than Taehyung's could ever be. I would have bet my first month's salary on it.

In about ten minutes I arrived at Jin's café. I sat down, not taking my order. I'll do it when Somi gets here.

I took out my phone, checking my messages again. Somi was at the top, then the secretary right behind.

Taehyung doesn't send messages to his employs then.

How could he, Sora? He doesn't even have your number.

I put my phone on the table, and sighed. Looking out the window, my thoughts accompanied me as I waited.


Hey guys! Please be proud of me, I wrote this all in one go, which is such an achievement for me :')

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