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The three hour ride to Busan was not the best.

I didn't engage in the conversation Taehyung tried to start, and if I did, it resulted with me wanting to throw a shoe at his pretty little head.

Why can't he just be a decent guy, and not piss me off with every word that comes out of his mouth?

Stop getting aggravated, Sora. You'll be at the party soon, and then you can avoid him for the next few hours.

The car ride finally ended, as we turned to a street with huge white estates stretched far across the road.

The one at the far right was more lit up then the others. That must be our destination then.

As we neared the house, it looked to be bigger than its neighbouring estates.

I wasn't surprised, of course. It was Sir Jeon holding the party. He has connections with the likes of the multimillionaires sitting next to me.

Two guards opened the gates to let us inside. Taehyung parked the car next to the enormous front garden of the Jeon estate, lining it with the other luxury cars.

The door slithered upward. Taehyung got out, walking over to my where I sat, and opened the door for me.

"Oh, you shouldn't have," I said, making sure my tone puked sarcasm.

"Anything for you," Taehyung drawled right back as I got out the car, swiping the door shut.

We reached the front steps of estate, Taehyung taking two at a time.

"Come on, Miss Yoon," he urged.

I was far behind, going up slowly. "Why are you going so fast?"

"Because we're late, due to a certain someone." Taehyung stopped, and turned back.

Sighing, he held out his hand. "Take my hand."

Grumbling, I took it, his fingers locking with mine. He started going up on the stairs too fast, tugging me.

High heels were never my best friend. As I took the steps in twos I tripped over one, and stumbled forward.

Taehyung caught me just in time, wrapping an arm around my stomach.

"Careful," he whispered into my ear, his breath caressing my skin.

His voice had me jerking out of his grip. He chuckled at my reaction, and soon the blush on my cheeks.

Prick, I thought bitterly, storming up the rest of the stairs. I could hear his laughter when I went up to the entrance of the estate.

"Name?" a guard at the door asked.

"Yoon Sora," I answered. "I'm with Kim Taehyung."

"Why isn't he with you?" the guard questioned, suspicious.

"Because he's too busy laughing at me on the stairs," I replied, rolling my eyes.

The guard only frowned. "I'm afraid you have to leave-"

"She's with me," Taehyung said, instantly at my side.

"Oh, God, I'm sorry-"

Taehyung waved off his apology. "It's alright."

The guard gestured us to go in. "Please, do come inside. Master Jeon is expecting you."

Taehyung took my hand in his before going in.

I should have slapped it away, but I kept in my temptation. I don't want to embarrass Taehyung and myself so soon.

We entered the estate, and I was at lost for words.

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