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Taehyung walked down the last step.

He raised his head, his once blonde curls bouncing slightly.

They were ash grey now. Curled softly, framing that perfect face.

He wore a simple red button up, silky enough that it shone slightly from the light. Black leather pants and boots were his bottom part.

A diamond earring on his left ear trickled down to his shoulder. It tinkled against his neck as he turned his head to me.

His eyes met mine.

I nearly choked on my strawberry.

"Kim Taehyung!"

"He's actually here!"

"Praise the Lord above!"

"God, he's so fine-"

Dozens of men and women hurried over to him, some taking pictures and others generally kissing his ass.

I spied Jungkook's parents among them. Disgusting.

Taehyung looked to them all calmly.

Then raised his hand.

Silence fell among the crowd.

The millionaire made a gesture, shooing them off.

Most hesitantly obliged.

Sir Jeon and his wife were more insistent. I could here them, even from where I stood.

"Yah, Taehyung I have so many things to talk about-"

"Sir Jeon," Taehyung cut him off. "I didn't come here so you'd only talk business."

The man's eyes locked with mine, and I stopped.

"I came here to see someone special."

Sir Jeon chortled. "Oh, Jungkook is right there with Jimin-"

Taehyung clicked his tongue in refusal. "No, not him."

He jerked his head towards my direction. The old man followed and looked to me.

"See? Isn't that someone special?"

I hoped he couldn't see my blush.

Judging by the knowing little smirk on his face, he probably has.


"Excuse me, Sir Jeon," Taehyung said. He then flicked his hair out his eyesight and started in a walk.

A walk towards me.

I felt strawberry juice in my hand. Probably from squeezing the life out of it.

Taehyung came over to me, and I realised his eyes weren't black. They were this bluey-grey colour.

As if he couldn't get more dreamy. What an annoying, attractive asshole.

I saw Taehyung stop not two feet away from me.

We both looked at each other.

And just stared.

Handsome. He was so handsome, and it irritated me a fuck ton.

Taehyung's lips moved.

"When I said slay them all, Sora," he said, grabbing a tissue from the food table, "I only meant these idiots here."

His eyes never left mine as he took my strawberry-stained hand. Started cleaning it.

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