Thirty One

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At about 6 am in the fucking morning, I was awoken by a girl pouncing on my back.


My breath whooshed out of me, snapping my eyes open at the impact of the jump.

Little arms wrapped around my neck, a flushed cheek squished against mine.



I turned over slightly, just enough to let the girl roll over in front of me.

Chanmi's hysterical grin greeted me. "Happy birthday Anniii!"

Despite the fact I was disturbed from my precious sleep, her smile was too infectious. "Thank you, sweetie-"


Another pair of arms encircled me, snuggling up to my sluggish self.

"Hey Chanja baby," I murmured, my hand running through her dark hair.

"Happy birthday, Anni," she sang out, burying her face in my neck.

"Thank you, baby-"


Craning my neck upward, I saw Somi, hurrying over to the edge of the bed.

"Don't jump on me too," I blurted out, sitting up straighter.

She laughed lightly, sitting next to me. "Happy birthday, sis."

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around my nieces. "Thank you all, thank you all."

"Anni, we've got prezzies!" Chanmi exclaimed, wriggling out of my grip.

She slid off the mattress and crouched down, pulling various things out from under the bed.

I nearly burst into tears.


On the floor were scattered all sorts of junk food ever thought imaginable. Crisps, chocolate, biscuits, candy, everything.

"We knew how much you liked sweets and all," Chanja explained, curling a lock of hair around her finger. "So me and Chanmi halved our pocket money and bought these."

I looked to the girl, shying at Chanmi who grinned at the heavenly sight of the food.

"You really want a fat aunty, don't you?" I teased, pulling the four year old under my arms as well.

"You won't get fat if I help you eat most of it," Chanmi offered, her little smile malicious.

"Stop being greedy!" Chanja scolded. "I don't want the same thing happening from last year."

"What? Anni let me-"

"Girls," I said, thinly preventing an outright sisterly war. "You both can have some."


"Sora," Somi cut in, taking something out of her pocket.

It was a pretty little box, wrapped up in a blue floral print.

Taking it, I ripped off the paper, revealing a black, solid container.

I opened it, a gasp escaping me as my eyes beheld the present.

A pair of diamond earrings sat proudly on the velvety cushion, looking like crystallised tear drops frozen upon the box.

I glanced at Somi, who smiled at my stunned reaction. "They're so..." I looked to them again. "beautiful."

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