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I couldn't believe my eyes. Didn't dare believe them.

"If you widen those eyes anymore, sweetheart, they would eventually pop out," drawled Taehyung. The Kim Taehyung.

I blinked. Again.

The man-

No, no, no. Not just the man. The fashion designer. The model.

The most beautiful man I've ever seen.

He laughed lightly, soft and sensual. "No need to be so shocked, Miss Yoon. I believe we've met before."

Taehyung was right. My eyes will pop out soon enough. "Wh-whe-"

"I do apologise for not calling back, by the way," he said instead, his voice indicating anything but an apology. "I was out for a photoshoot. Forgot my phone at home."

Calling him? When did I ever call him-



My mouth parted slightly. It looked like Taehyung noticed my little revelation, as he smirked cruelly. "Yes, the creep at the cafe was, indeed, me."

I didn't know what to say. No words came to my mind, or touched my mouth. I just stared at him.

Just like I did at the cafe.

"When you're done gawking, Miss Yoon, can I continue?"

His comment snapped me out of my thoughts. "I-I..." My voice betrayed me. Faltering at the time when I needed it most.

I cleared my throat. "Forgive me. D-do continue."

He looked at me for a moment before speaking. "It seems that you are looking for a contract."

Now knowing my mouth was a traitor, I did not say anything. A nod was my answer.

Taehyung looked around the room. "It seems you don't particularly like your workplace either."

I glanced at Baram. He gave me a look which I knew exactly what it meant.

I dare you to agree with him, it meant.

I was about to shake my head but then stopped.

Why should I have to be Baram's little dog? I think people should know how much of a shitface he really is.

Smug, I replied, "You're not wrong, Mr Kim."

I wish I could take a picture of his face. Eunja put a hand on her mouth to keep from laughing.

"Well how about I make it your lucky day, Miss Yoon?" Taehyung took a step forward, the action smooth and graceful. "How about you'd like to work with me instead?"

I blinked. "I'm sorry what?"

"Work for me."

My jaw dropped. Another shock.

I should be having a heart attack at this rate.

"Me?" I asked, pointing to myself. "A job from you?"

"Correct," he said. He looked to Baram, his face hardening. "You don't mind if I-"

"It's yours," Baram blurted out. "Everything in here is yours."

Taehyung turned to me, gesturing at Baram's private office. "Shall we?"

I had a bit more sanity now to ask, "Do what?"

"Discuss your contract?"

"I..." No more. I couldn't do this anymore. I was so overwhelmed by his words, his offer, just him in general.

I needed time. I know that this was incredibly stupid, but I needed some time to think about it.

I didn't want to jump whole-heartedly without knowing what I was signing up for. I needed a focused mind, calm attitude and right now I was anything but.

"Is there," Taehyung said, "Something the matter, Miss Yoon?"

"Well, uh..." I started. Deep breaths, Sora, deep breaths. "Whatever the job is, Mr Kim, I-I need to think about it."

Baram snorted, along with a few other models. My temper threatened to take control of my tongue, but I held it in.

"What's so funny, old man?" Taehyung demanded, a strange edge to his tone.

My boss gulped, sensing it as well. "N-nothing, Taehyung-"

"It's Mr Kim to you," Taehyung snarled. Baram instantly shut up.

The man looked at me again, and those enchanting eyes were back at it again, hypnotising me. "I do understand, Miss Yoon, but do know that I don't offer the job to just anyone." He gestured towards me. "You still have my number and address, right?"

I went over to the bag, the heels of my boots making the only sound in the room. I took out the note he gave me.

"If you could come to that address tomorrow afternoon?" Taehyung suggested. "At about 12:30pm?"

I nodded, remembering the time in my head. "Alright."

"It was lovely seeing you again, Miss Yoon," Taehyung said, his voice husky and low. He looked around the room. "Though it can't be said for the others."

Baram's jaw dropped to the floor. Taehyung turned back, walking towards the door. He stopped, and looked back.

"And Miss Yoon," he drawled, glancing at Baram, "Don't wear anything like those clothes you're wearing right now."

With that, he left, his powerful presence leaving this room.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

Kim Taehyung offered me a job.

The Kim Taehyung offered me a job.

"I'm... I'm gonna go home now," I declared, more to myself than to Baram.

His expression brightened into a smile. "That's your choice, Sora. Do whatever you wish."

What the fuck?

"I'll see you later, Eunja." I went over to my friend and hugged her.

"Good on you, Sora," she whispered before letting go, grinning at me.

I returned it before grabbing my bag. "How could she get a job from Kim Taehyung?" a model next to me snarled.

"Because I'm not talentless," I only answered, leaving the room. I heard her gasp behind me, but I was already going down the stairs, and onto the streets of Seoul.

My thoughts suddenly spammed my mind.

Kim Taehyung gave you a contract.

Kim Taehyung gave you a job.

Kim Taehyung is giving you your next step to fame.

Fame. I've never seen it from my own eyes, never had the taste of it.

And maybe Kim Taehyung is putting it on a plate right in front of you.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading, and do vote here and comment your opinions of this story. It really gives me a lot of motivation :)

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