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"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!"

The shrivel of the curtains rang in my ears, sunlight flaring on my face.

"NNNG-" I got out, pulling the sheets over my face in hopes to block out the light.

"Jeez, Sora, there's a limit to sleeping so much."

"Fuck off, Taehyung."

Laughter sounded across the room as I heard footsteps near me.

Suddenly, I felt the sheets being yanked off my body.


Grabbing the corner of the blankets, I jolted upwards, barely hanging on to the fabric as I groggily opened my eyes.

At the edge of the bed stood Taehyung, hand held out as he fisted the bed sheets I tried to take back from him. "Sora darling, get up!"

"Go away!" I screamed, using all my dampened strength to snatch back my blanket. "It's not even seven in the morning!"

Taehyung, however, had a steel's grip. "It's one in the afternoon, for God's sake!"

I yanked harder. "Even if it was six in the evening I still wouldn't give a shit!"

The man pulled, yet my will to sleep was just too much.

Eventually, I yanked it out his hand, causing Taehyung to stumble back.

"Jesus, woman," he muttered, settling himself.

"That's what you get for waking someone up," I cut back as I pulled the sheets over my head, hoping the sleep will come tumbling back.

Fucking dick, trying to wake me up.

Hearing Taehyung's silence made me smile a little. A little part of me was glad he left me alone.

A minute or two later, I felt the bed shift.

Sensing something wrong, I turned to lay on my back, eyes still closed.

Something soft caressed my cheek, falling lower and lower.

It stopped at my ear.

The sound that emitted from it made my very skin heat.

"Open your eyes, sweetheart."

My eyes snapped open.

Above me was Taehyung, his now straight hair tickling my face, his partly unbuttoned red shirt hanging slightly.

The only action my brain could decipher was to scream.


I pushed him off, with him landing on my left on the soft mattress.

His laughter was loud, hysterical even as he gripped his stomach and cackled at my reaction.

I sat up, sending him the darkest glare as he laughed and laughed. "You are," I hissed, pulling up the sheets, "So fucking annoying."

He wiped his eyes as he died down his laughing. "You are," he imitated, smiling, "So fucking cute."

"Oh, piss off," I snarled, looking away from him as I crossed my arms.

"Awww, babe," Taehyung cooed, scooting closer to me as he tried to hug me. "I didn't know you preferred sleeping over seeing my wonderful face in the morning."

I pried his hands of me, scowling at him. "Obviously I prefer sleep," I snapped at him. "Then I don't have to see your stupid face."

Wild Thoughts | Taehyung | ✓Where stories live. Discover now