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I didn't go back home. No, I couldn't go back home.

I have to tell Somi. I have to tell her everything.

So instead of going back to my apartment, I took a taxi to my sister's.

She lived on the outskirts of Seoul, far from the daily rush of the city. It takes me half an hour to get to her house without the horrific traffic.

Thankfully this was the traffic-free day, so the driver arrived quickly to my destination.

I got out the car, handing some won to the driver. He nodded and drove off.

I looked to the house, still marvelling at the sight of it even having seen it nearly everyday for ten years.

The white estate stood tall and proud in the sunlight. The mansion looked like a residence from heaven the way it gleamed.

I went up to the double-doors, ringing the door bell.

The door opened to reveal none other than my sister, instantly smiling at the sight of me.

Although my sister was five years older than me, she was smaller, and more petite. While my hair went down to my waist, hers was styled into a bob cut. Her hair had a few white streaks as well, even though she was only 28.

Her best feature was her face. Small, soft and full of warmth.

"Sora!" my sister exclaimed, embracing me gently. I hugged her back tightly.

"Somi, I've got news for you," I said, returning her smile.

"Well, you better come in then," Somi said, turning sideways to let me in.

The living room greeted me first. Vast, white space, intricately decorated with a seating area at one side and a large TV at the other side of the room. Chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling.

"Come, come," Somi ushered, setting me down on the sofa. "Now, tell me, what's up?"

"You won't believe your ears when I tell you-"


Somi jolted at the screech, and turned to find Chanja, running towards her mother.

She noticed me sitting there and her mouth burst into a big smile. "AUNTIE SORA!!"

She jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me with all the strength a ten year old could muster.

I rasped out a laugh, hugging the little girl back. I then put her at arm's length.

Chanja was a healthy girl for her age, always doing sports. Her straight hair was jet black, just like her eyes.

"You're going to squeeze Auntie Sora to death if you don't let go," Somi warned.

"It's alright, really," I said, letting the girl go up to her mom.

"Momma, Chanmi is annoying me," Chanja whined. Somi looked towards the door that lead to the bedrooms.

"What is that little she-devil doing now?" Somi muttered. She got up, going inside the chambers.

I followed her. Somi was going to the first room on the left. It was like entering the inside of cotton candy, walls painted to represent pink clouds, the furniture all pastels as well.

"Anni Sora," a little voice sounded from below. I glanced down and saw Chanmi looking up at me, eyes wide as she gripped my leg.

Chanmi was four years old, but had the intelligence of a full-grown adult. The way she smirked or her eyebrows wiggled always meant trouble.

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