Twenty Nine

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About another week later, things slid into slight normality.

Somi wasn't bed ridden anymore, and could slowly walk around with the help of crutches.

I made no hesitations to visit her twice a day; once every morning and then after my work with Taehyung.

Most of the time he would ask to tag along, and I'd let him, surprised he even asked.

I would tell him he doesn't need to, but the man insisted, saying he had nothing else to do.

He was bullshitting, obviously. The biggest, most famous fashion designer of Asia always had something to create, something to show.

But the thought of him wanting to visit my sister with me didn't piss me off, like I thought it would.

No, it made my very heart warm, flutter lightly at his rare enthusiasm.

So, because of this, I was in a happy mood when I arrived at the hospital.

I let myself enter in the recovery room, expecting Somi cuddling my nieces on the bed.

What I didn't expect, however, was my sister with her head in her hands, crying as Dr. Kim stood next to her, rubbing a soothing hand down her back in comfort.

Chanja and Chanmi were both confused as they kneeled at Somi's feet, trying to console her nevertheless.

A frown instantly adorned my face. "What's going on?"

Dr. Kim looked up, at me then at Taehyung behind.

He smiled at the doctor. "What's up, doc?"

I glared at him. "Did you have to do that?"

Taehyung put his hands up. "I took a golden opportunity, that's all." Then he set his eyes on the weeping girl. "Oh, Lord."

Ignoring the blabbering idiot behind me, I rushed over to where my sister was, kneeling beside my nieces as I kissed them both on the head before turning to their mother. "Somi, dear, what's wrong?"

The girl's sobbing quieted, looking up at me.

Her eyes squinted. "Sora!"

Suddenly, I was enveloped in Somi's arms as she pulled me close to her.

Hugging the woman back, I asked, "What's wrong, sis, why are you crying?"

I felt a pat on my shoulder.

Letting go of Somi, I noticed Dr. Kim holding out a file.

I took it from him, going over the papers.

As I skimmed through them, my eyes widened.

"What the fu-"

I stopped short after I glanced at the girls. "What the heck."

"He's filed a case against Somi," Dr. Kim explained. Then he put his fingers to his mouth. "M-mrs Han I mean."

"Miss Yoon," I corrected. "She left the prick, remember?"

Quickly excusing my language, I continued, "It says here you have to go to court two days later to decide who gets custody of the kids."

I stared at Somi in disbelief. "When did this arrive?"

"Th-this morning," she got out. Her eyes started glistening again with fresh tears. "Oh G-God, Sora, I-I don't know what t-to do."

I sighed, trying to cut back the look of hopelessness on my face.

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