Forty One

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Another couple of days passed, and soon I got used to an unusual routine of staying at Kim Manor.

Taehyung and I would just fool around in the mansion, as his mother would leave in the early mornings to do whatever she planned.

But yesterday it was only me and her, for he had gone to meet old friends who stayed here and became famous in this city, unlike the boy I knew who became famous around the world.

Mrs. Kim and I didn't bother speaking much, but the fact she didn't bother me had me sighing in relief.

Maybe she was getting used to me. I truly hoped that, for there were only two-three days left until she had to make a decision, and I can't lose to her.

Even though she may still be biased, a little part of me was sure she was breaking down her wall of hostility.

This afternoon, I was on the phone to Somi, who was asking of my well-being and slow progress when Mrs. Kim enter the manor, Taehyung at her side.

"Sora," the woman declared, sauntering over to me as I closed my phone. "You better not have any plans tonight."

I raised a brow. "You know I never do," I said. "But why?"

"Because, Sora darling," Taehyung started, loosening his tie with his finger, "My friend from Daegu is throwing a party for me. He's invited you as well, since I told him about you staying with me here."

"Well, at least I'll get out the house," I said, shrugging. "I think I'll suffocate in here."

"Oh, maybe I should keep you here longer then," Taehyung mused, plopping down on the couch next to me.

"You're never gonna change are you?" I asked, faking my exasperation.



The evening fell upon Daegu, and soon I was in a situation every girl is in at least the millionth time in her life, when she has no fucking idea what to wear.

"Fuck this," I muttered at all the clothes I threw on the bed, all piled up in a huge heap of fabricated mess.

You might be wondering why I didn't just ask the fashion designer who lived under the same roof as me, but he had left early, saying his friends wanted him there first.

So there I was, alone and frustrated over my lack of choice of wear, despite being a model of V.

"What's wrong?"

I turned around, Mrs Kim entering the room in a casual stride.

"Just don't know what to wear," I confessed, hugging myself tightly.

"I think that mountain of dresses is enough to clothe an entire country," the woman remarked, coming closer to where I stood.

"I'm in a crisis, Mrs. Kim. Your lovely opinion is the last thing I need right now."

Thankfully, she didn't argue back, going through my pile of clothes before dumping them back on the bed.

There was this thoughtful, calculating expression on her face before she turned to me.

"Ah, see, it's good you're not choosing these clothes."

I crossed my arms. "Why?" I demanded, already feeling slightly offended by her words.

"Because this isn't in in Daegu at this moment," Mrs. Kim replied.

I opened my mouth to argue, but I stopped.

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