Thirsty Four

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I stilled. All over, my body froze, rebuking the figure I bumped into.

Taehyung noticed instantly, his hands reaching out to me.

I inched back quickly, away from the millionaire and into the light drizzle.

My eyes couldn't let go of his. I couldn't help but think that they were hallucinating, creating these idiotic fantasies to toy with me, play with me.

Calm down, Sora. Just calm down.

But how could I calm down?

How could I quieten the screams building up inside of me? That same anger I felt at the headquarters, bubbling up inside of me?


I looked up.

And there was that look. The look which had my heart racing like a sprinter for a finish line, jumping like a cheetah at its next meal.

The look which made me feel alive just by sharing it. On fire, as if I'd have the fires of Hell engulf my very soul, fuelled by the heavenly eyes of Kim Taehyung.

I tried to contain my sudden desires, reminding myself the day of his lowly accusation. "What?" I snapped.

He opened his mouth, then closed it. Opened it again, yet closed it right back.

Disappointment marring my face, I took a step, and another one until I walked past the man, and onto my way back home.

Bastard, fucking bastard for not saying anything-

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that a sudden hand gripping my wrist had me whirling back.

Taehyung had a look of desperation on his face. "Sora, please."

I gave him a glare. "What do you want?"

"I..." A pause. "I just want to talk."

An eyebrow raised. "There's nothing to talk about with you, Taehyung."

The man's face crumpled, yet his grip on my wrist hardened. "Please, Sora," he pleaded. "It'll only take a minute."

"I don't want to spend a second with you, prick."

Taehyung blinked. His surprise gave me just enough time to free my hand and turn on my heel, my feet picking up a quick pace to get away from him.

I should have known, however, that Taehyung was as stubborn as a donkey. Hell, that man was as stubborn as me.

Suddenly, I got slammed against a granite-like wall of pure muscle, my head hitting against a hard chest.


Strong hands gripped my waist. A low, wavering whisper caressed my ear.

"You leave me no choice."

As if in a blur, my feet left the floor as I was lifted.


All of a sudden, I wasn't making eye contact with Taehyung's chest.

I was making it with his ass.

"Ack!" I shrieked, closing my eyes instantly.

"That's not a woman's first reaction when they see my ass," drawled the man as he gripped my legs.

"Let go of me!" I demanded, fisting my hands and bringing them down hard on his back.

Taehyung let out a hiss of pain as he started walking. "I will when you listen to me."

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