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Park Jimin?

I wasn't wrong. He clearly looked like the attractive, 26 year old runway manager, hosting every French catwalk to date.

Jungkook, this time, looked much happier from the last time I saw him.

"Jimin, Jungkook," Taehyung said, joining his friends, "This is-"

"Sora," Jungkook finished, smiling at me. "We've met before."

Taehyung raised a brow. "Already on a first name basis I see," he mused, flashing a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"You're the only one who calls me Miss Yoon," I said bluntly. "Making me feel old."

"I didn't realise that you'd mind," mused Taehyung, "You should know that I was only trying to be formal."

"You can call me Sora if you want, Mr. Kim," I said.

He stopped. "Really?" he asked, with such sincerity it surprised me.

"I-I don't see why not."

Taehyung's eyes sparkled slightly. "Then...then you can call me Taehyung."

"Taehyung," I repeated, the name sounding lovely even on my lips.

His smile softened. "You say it beautifully."

I heard Hoseok snorting from behind me as he got down the plane. "I'll let you know, Sora dear, that he's been wanting to call you that for a while."

"Always have to ruin it, shithead," sneered Taehyung, his fire-like aura back.

Jimin snorted. "Always good to see our favourite gay boy in Paris." the younger slung an arm around Hoseok. "Maybe finally you'll find a boyfriend in the city of looove."

"I enjoy being single, thank you very much," Hoseok remarked. "Then I won't have anyone cheating on me."

"Aww, Hoseok," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm okay, now, darling," the redhead assured me, smiling his sunshine smile.

"Right," Jungkook spoke up, silent throughout, "Let's get out the airport."

We all left the huge Paris airport through a private exit, flanked by guards until a black masserati awaited us in the parking lot.

"Let's go on a ride around the city," Jimin declared, getting in the driver's seat.

Taehyung dragged him out. "Absolutely not." He then got in himself. "We're going to the runway first."

"Oh, come on, Tae, we just got here!" Hoseok argued. "I want to cruise around a little."

"All of that can be done later," the blonde only said. He then looked up at me. "Come. Sit here."

I got into the passenger seat, slithering the door shut. The others got into the back, Hoseok in the middle, Jimin at his left and Jungkook at his right.

Taehyung backed the car out the parking space, and soon the entire lot, driving onto the main road.

While the three at the back talked, I looked out the window, admiring the view.

Paris took my breath away. It was gorgeous, with half the city bringing out a medieval touch, and half the modernised city.

The people were definite eye catchers as well. No wonder Paris has been the fashion capital for three centuries now.

Taehyung turned left and a huge building greeted us. He parked the car next to it, and got out.

"The Park Runway Headquarters," Jimin introduced his father's building as he got out the car.

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