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"I'm so proud of you!"

Somi's smile had not faded for the past hour.

After I told her about my debut shoot, she let out a cheer so loud the whole café turned their heads at us.

She reddened, shrinking back in her seat. "The excitement is appreciated, Somi," I assured her.

She suddenly leaned in. "I always knew you would succeed. One day, I knew you would shine."

I widened my smile. "It's your support, Somi, that's helped me so far." I sighed. "Everyone else thought it to be a 'bad career'."

"I'm glad you didn't listen to them, Sora," my sister said, sipping at her tea, "Because look at you now. A star."

"Not yet though," I corrected, palming my cup. "I've only been in one magazine. I still have a long way to go."

"And you will go a long way," Somi promised, as if she foretold my apparent future.

"I can only hope," I said, sipping at my coffee. "Are the kids at school, then?"

"For another half hour," Somi added. "I still have a while until I pick them up."

"Can't Chanyeok do that?" I asked, setting the cup down.

"He's working on a big case right now," Somi replied. "He comes home later than usual now, with all the work he does at court."

"I see." My eyes narrowed at her statement.

Chanhyeok was a certified bastard, but I had to admit he worked hard. Toiling was what he did best, and he would go to extreme limits to win a case.

If only working over twelve hours a day didn't make him pissy around his family. Clearly his daughters are put off by it.

Somi noticed me frowning. "What's wrong? You suddenly look annoyed."

"I... I just don't get how you've managed to live with him for ten years."

My sister managed a weak smile. "He's the one I ran away with. I don't think I want to leave him now."

Groaning would do me no good, yet I did it anyway.

Why doesn't she ever get rid of him?

Sora, why don't you just stop? It's her life, not yours.

"Whatever, Somi," I sighed, finishing off my coffee.

Jin came over to us, a hand on his hips. "Would y'all like anything else?"

"No, we're good," I told him. "Just hand us the bill."

"I saw your face on that magazine of yours," Jin said, fishing out a notebook. He scribbled something quickly and ripped the paper out.

I took the piece of paper he held out. "I didn't know you read that kind of thing."

"I don't," Jin said. "But I saw it while I was shopping for supplies. And hun, you rocked it."

"Thank you, Jin," I said, smiling at him. I searched my clutch for any money, but it seems that purse ate it all up.

"I'll pay," Somi offered, fishing out won from her purse.

Shame coursed through me. "I'll pay you back," I blurted out.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You're my sister, you don't have to pay me back."


"Have a nice day, girls," Jin said, and went back to his counter to serve a new customer.

"So, tell me," Somi started, a little smile on her face, "How's your boss?"

My head perked up. "Taehyung?" I drummed my fingers against the wooden table. "He's... I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's very... he's very strange."

A sigh huffed out of me. "First he was all smirks and sensual laughter but then his mood changes like this-" I snapped my fingers. "It's like a minor case of bipolar or something."

"I'm sure it's just you being late on your first day," Somi said. "I know Chanyeok doesn't tolerate tardiness either."

"But then he asks me out for lunch, which is lovely, really, but-"

"Wait, you went out on a date with him?"

I scoffed. "I wouldn't call it that. I had only met him once before that."

"Still," my sister mused,"Was it nice?"

"Other than him trying to feed me a salad, it was alright."

A laugh sounded from Somi. "Oh dear."

"But he was sweet. He listened while I talked about life in general, and..." I shrugged. "Yeah."

"It seems you enjoy his company," Somi said, smile widening.

A snort. "He's got his negatives," I crowed.

Somi glanced at her watch, and then to me. "I have to go now, Sora," she stated sadly.

"Alright," I said, getting up. "I'll call you sometime later, then."

"Okay, sis," Somi said, walking out the café, me following close behind.

Somi handed me some money. "For the ride back home," she said.

I sighed, nodding. We bid our goodbyes, I going into one cab and Somi going in another.

The journey home was quiet. I got out the car, handing the driver the right amount of money for once.

I went into my apartment, slamming the door shut behind me.

It was only four in the evening, so I ordered early take out and plopped my self down on the couch, turning the TV on.

The food arrived in twenty minutes, and I managed to find some won lying around. I paid the guy and went back to the sofa, digging in.

I watched more shows, my mind drifting off to another place.

It seems you enjoy his company.

I snorted, gulping down on a bottle of coke.

The rest of the night went by in a blur and I was fast asleep, oblivious to the events that would happen tomorrow.


I woke up early this time, but that didn't make me any less energetic.

There were no new messages from Taehyung's secretary. No surprise photoshoots then. Thank God.

I went out my bedroom, witnessing the mess I made on the couch yesterday.

A curt knock sounded at the door, stopping me from picking up the rubbish.


I walked over to the door. I didn't have a hole through it, so I couldn't see who it was.

I opened the door.

And out stood Kim Taehyung.


Hey guys! Another chapter, just for you all. Please vote and tell me your opinions, they will be appreciated :)

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