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I stared up at the building.

It looked like it was made of solid gold, the way it shone proudly in the stark daylight.

Many buildings around here looked expensive. I was now standing in the high end of Seoul, where most successful businessmen and women worked and lived.

I took a quick glance at the note. Yep, this is it.

Straightening myself, I brushed at my suit, maroon coloured blouse with black ruffles around my neck and wrists. I matched it with pants of the same colour, a black strip lining the sides.

I took a deal breath. Okay. Sora. You can do this. Just hold your tongue, and you'll be fine.

I pushed the glass doors and entered the building.

It was just as beautiful inside as it was outside. Golds and blacks swirled on the marble floor, and huge chandeliers dangled off the painted ceilings.

I was practically ogling at the sight of it.

I shook my head. Stop wasting time.

My thoughts were interrupted by sudden loud crying. I looked to my left, and saw a young woman my age, sobbing her heart out.

Another woman, probably her friend, patted her on the back, glaring at the secretary seated at the reception. "Don't cry, Yura, you'll get a job somewhere else."

"But I almost got it!" she cried out. "I was gonna be a model!"

Her friend only hugged her more, catching me stare at her. She gave me a dirty look and I looked away quickly.

I walked over to the receptionist. "Excuse me, where can I see Mr Kim?"

"Go straight ahead to the lifts. He's on the far end of the twentieth floor."

Damn. "Okay, thank you."

I went where she told me to, up twenty floors on the lift. The doors opened and I proceeded straight on, at the far end of this floor.

There was a woman already seated on the chairs in front of another desk. She saw me coming over and gave me a smile. "Coming for the job?"

I nodded, sitting down. I glanced at my watch. It was exactly 12 o' clock.

"Just so you know, every girl who went through that door came out crying," the woman said.

She then smiled smugly to herself. "But I'm gonna be the exception, cause I'm gonna get the job."

I contained my eye roll. The old secretary sitting at the desk looked like she did as well.

The door opened, and sure enough, the girl who came out was crying. She swore at the secretary and stormed out.

The proud woman stood up, gripping her folder, filled with papers and documents. "I can go now, right?"

The secretary glared at her through her glasses before saying, "Mr Kim will see you now."

The girl sashayed in, slamming the door behind her.

It was just me and the old woman now. I didn't talk, and so didn't she.

I rocked my legs quickly, sudden nerves coming back to me again. What if her arrogance gets her the job? Oh shit, do I need to act like a snob?

Half an hour later, the girl came out of the room. Her eyes were swelling from crying, but she looked pissed off.

"Shithead," she murmured, over and over. The secretary had a little smile on her face, yet frowned when I walked over to her.

Wild Thoughts | Taehyung | ✓Where stories live. Discover now