Thirty Two

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The rest of the night was a blur, as others wished me a happy birthday and a new year.

I only gaped at them, too stunned to wish them back, or even say anything in return.

Hoseok, bless him, tried to laugh out an explanation, but my lips didn't tug upwards at his words.

I was just shocked. Confused, puzzled, absolutely shocked.

After too many tries on lightening me up, Hoseok finally asked, "Sora, honey, what's wrong?"


My eyes finally met his, but seeing the genuine worry in them had my own snapping back to the entrance. "Uh..."

My voice steadied slowly as I made a rhythm of breathing in and out, in and out. "Hoseok, I...just...can you take me back to my flat?"

The man gave me a look. "Why so sudden?" he asked. "The party's just about to begin-"

"Please," I cut him off, taking him by surprise. "Just...please take me home."

Hoseok's brows knitted in confusion as he looked at me. I wished he hadn't, because from way he scanned my face, I could tell he'd already guessed the reason for my shaken behaviour.

"...Okay, dear."

Not bothering to say goodbye to everyone else, Hoseok let me out the estate, taking me to his red Lexus.

Opening the door for me, I sat inside. Entering himself, Hoseok strapped on his seatbelt.

He started the car, the engine roaring to life. He drove out the estate car park, reaching the main streets of Seoul.

Thankfully, we soon arrived at my apartment.

I quickly got out the car, slamming the door shut as the window slid down. "Thank you."

As I turned on my heel, I heard Hoseok call behind me. "Is there any way I can help, Sora?"

Looking over my shoulder, I caught the sympathy in that usual happy face.

I offered him a sad little smile. "I don't think you can help in this, Hoseok. If I couldn't do anything, then what will you do?"

Then, turning back, I went inside the building, not waiting for my friend to drive off.


Kim fucking Taehyung ignored me for a week.

Not one call. Not one message.

Not one. Fucking. Word.

I damned my fingers, itching to check for my phone in hopes of a missed call or a new message from the very man I keep cussing.

Hysterical. That man was making me hysterical.


I looked up to see my sister, standing at the edge of the sofa I sat on.

Focusing back on the show, I asked, "Yes?"

She didn't say anything, just sitting down gingerly on the space beside me.


I sucked on a tooth, staring at the screen to avoid her eye contact. "Yes, Somi?"

A sigh escaped her. "Stop pretending to be interested in the show."

Ugh. Picking up the remote, I turned the TV off.

"Now look at me, Sora."

Cursing under my breath, I faced her, making sure she saw me glaring at her.

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