~Speaking of the AWU sequel~

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Naomie: *loudly singing What About Us*

Rush: *singing along*

Rochelle: can you not we have a thing to do

Rush: *looks up* wait why is the titl-

Rochelle: *shrugs loudly* I'm just used to adding those little swirly things to chapters about AWU don't question it.

Naomie: ...that's my fault isn't it

Rochelle: Yes yes it is



Forgotten Demons

I'm workin on it

I'm going to be accepting new characters for this one, so I'm making a form for that. I can't fully plan out the story until I know how many other characters I have now. I've mentioned that I'll need some new info about the Authors too, and I'm trying to figure all that out.

So far I have a pretty basic idea of what's going to happen, but I have yet to make my usual complicated plan.

There's a weird cryptic prologue, and then the first chapter is split into five parts. Of those, the prologue is ¾ths done; I've started the first part of the first chapter, finished the second part, started the third, avoided the fourth, and started the fifth.

In other words, it's not exactly going great.

However, I've been coming up with random scenes that will happen later in the book. I just get random mental images or 'hear' little bits of dialogue in my head, and I'll jot them down to use. I really like some of the ideas I've come up with, and am still very excited about this book.

I still need to make a cover. I've started a basic sketch, buuuuuut it's just kinda...I dunno. It's not going well, but it's not going particularly badly either.


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have fun tryin to read any of my notes lol

(Actually, AwesomeYay99, since your cover arts are always so awesome, would it be possible for me to make the basic art, and then you add special effects and the title and stuff like that? I could use a crash course in How To Cover, but that's beside the point. Anyway it'd be rlly awesome if you could help me out with this?)

So basically

It'll be up...soon. Beginning of October? At any rate, it WILL be before episode 4, no matter when that comes out

I was planning to have this out by the end of September but I just don't know if I can manage it in time. We will see.

And okay

On the topic of the weird 'oneshot' I told you about

It's not a legit oneshot

It's just a cute little scene for a crack ship

And it's not something that I actually ship. I have yet to find someone who legit ships this (and no im still not tellin you who's being shipped)

It WILL happen in Forgotten Demons though


And I dunno if you guys remember

But I'm working on a bunch of draw-your-squads with the AWU peeps

That's...there wasn't a point there. I'm just making several DYS things with the Authors

Also should I add some canon characters to the draw-your-squads? Or should they just be the Authors? 

I think there was something else I was supposed to say here but I forgot because me

-Rush left to draw YouTubers with flowercrowns-

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