Stranger Than Fanfiction

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I wonder if Topher is just a self-insert of Chris Colfer

Christopher Collins

Chris Colfer

Topher kinda acts like how Colfer describes himself


I don't care if Cash was dying he was still a total ass

It kinda ended up like 'oh you're dying that's okay we forgive you for being a total pain in the ass this entire book'

Yes, the last bitchy thing ended up being really good, but pretty much everything else was a bad idea and ended badly


Sam is my fave but I relate to Mo the most

Except I'm not quite that dramatic

I do have OID tho

(overactive imagination disorder)

(No that's not a real thing)

I kinda really hate that fanfiction has such a bad name

Cause yeah there's some fucking dumb terrible cliche ones

But when I say I write fanfics, it seems like a lot of people instantly think I'm...I don't even know.

I'm really serious about my stories. I criticize myself and make a lot of jokes about my writing and stuff but if we're being honest, i think I've got a lot of potential.

(Oh that sounded so conceited notchdammit)

But I just


Not all fanfictions are, say One Direction x Reader shit but that kind of weird crap is what a lot of people seem to think of when I say I write fanfiction
I'm not ashamed of reading/writing fic but sometimes the internet makes it seem like I should be

Stranger Than Fanfiction was a good book

But one of the main characters, Mo, writes fanfiction, and the irritating part was that she is exactly the annoying stereotypical fic writer that most people come up with when they think of fanfiction

Can we just murder stereotypes please

All the fucking ridiculous ideas that people have about everything

I hate humanity

I hate that we can't get past stupid shit like this

I hate that stuff like this is so important to me

This is turning into a rant I think I need to stop now

I dunno

-Rush left to figure out what to do for 150 DA watchers-

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