Me: *sitting at my desk during the sixth grader's math class after i've finished grading stuff*
Me: *takes out notebook*
Me: *takes out other notebook* (i have two main one now- one for random shit and one for FD)
Me: *flips to FD plan*
Me: *reads over it silently*
Me: *reads over it again*
Me: *tries to decipher own handwriting*
Me: ....
Me: *stares at notebook some more*
Me: .............................
Me: i have no idea where i'm gong with this story
-Rush left to do art trades-
Rush's Book of Insanity: Part Three
Randomuh. you're actually back for a third one? damn ur dedicated. This is EVEN MORE chaos from your favorite sarcastic cat-eared bitch. Contains lots of fangirling, Luktraness, MCSM, theories, Vocaloid , complaining, AWU news, RWBY, MCSM, Amulet...