Another MCSM tag

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welp thanks for this, GalaxicKatGaming

welp thanks for this, GalaxicKatGaming

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1. OTP?

Oh come on you know this



And Harpvor too

But I've shipped Luktra WAAAYYY longer.

2. Fave character?


Though she has a habit of making me VERY SAD

And Lukas, of course. I love my poor lil cinnamon roll; he deserves better ;-;

And I liked Radar too...just not 'Prison Radar'. Like please, you were fine how you were. Sure, toughness is not your strong suit, but it doesn't have to be.

And of course, the Blaze Rods. They are such jerks, and I love them anyway ^^

But Ivor's awesome and hilarious too


3. Least fave character?

Hadrian and Mevia. And the Admin. And Soren.

But. But but but.

I have gained a certain amount of appreciation for Hadrian and Mevia because I really like the idea of the Old Builders when they were young. Same goes for Soren, though I still harbor a strong dislike for him, partially because of my own story XD

As for Romeo...there's no excuse. He's terrible.

4. Fav episode?

Oh dear god of everything dark and feelsy.

Episode one, because it holds so many memories and nostalgia, because that's where it all began. I have unending love for this episode just because it's the first, and it's a great start to a great adventure.

Episode two, because Magnugaard, and Axel is such a dork, and get some confidence Olivia, and PETRA FEELS.

Episode three, because mysteries, and friendship, and LUKTRA, and creepy End stuff, and FEELS

Episode four, because of Ivor being a good guy, and the freakin Far Lands, and the maze, and the FEELS.

Episode five, because BLAZE RODS, and LUKTRA and IVOR, and SKY CITY, and WHOA PORTALS

Episode six, because I love the mystery, and Cassie, and the YouTubers, and the atmosphere is amazing and it;s all so spoopy ^-^

Episode seven, because mesas are so pretty, and HARPVOR, and FEELS, and the headset thing is honestly awesome

Episode eight, because the HUNGER GAMES, and Em and Nell, and the music is nice, and the snowy town is so cool

Basically I love the whole game to death

Sorry, got a little sentimental there ^^

5. NOTP?

Lukesse, Cassie x almost anyone, M! Jesse x F! Jesse (that is frikkin WEIRD)

6. Would you live there if you could?



I'd love to live in Beacontown, or explore the Portal Network, or visit Redstonia or Boomtown

*stares into space*

7. Do you ship yourself with anyone?

No...but my little sister and the Internet kinda ship me with Lukas...dunno why.

Tbh I'm not big on self-inserts, or OCs x certain canon characters

8. Any fanart?


do you know me at all

i tag

anyone who wants to do this


do the tag 

it's pretty simple


-Rush left to sort through her 201 notifications-

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