Chapter 4

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Darren's POV

Each minute I went closer to the classroom,I was hit by a scent of vanilla and honey mixed with strawberry.

Hhhmmm my wolf growled in lust.

"Alpha you okay?" Scott questioned.

"Mate.." I muttered growling.

"What?!?!" Yelled Scott and Danny in happiness.

"I think I just found my Luna."

I slammed the door open,making people gasp.But I didn't care because I just found my long lost mate who is mine!

I looked into her big blue eyes,full of shock and she looked quite frightened of me.

My wolf was so tempted to go up to her and claim her mine! But she was a full human,I can tell because, she didn't feel attracted to me...yet....;)

I walked around the class room and sat behind her taking in as much of her scent as I can,making my wolf want to howl in pleasure.

Jennifer's POV

"Ok class,make sure the assignment is finished by Friday or it's classed as a fail." Mr knight said while collecting everyone's books to mark.

*bell rings*

I quickly grabbed all my equipment and headed straight away to maths class.

English class was freaking the hell out of me,that new boy Darren was literally glaring at me every second,with that's sexy smirk playing on his face,flashing me his pearly white teeth...

Ugh,why does he have to be sooo good looking.

Who cares though if the guy has staring problems,I should just ignore him.

What actually scared the shit out of me is that he growled!!!!

The guy growled!!!

What? Is he a dog or something because he sounded like one or is it a dirty cough.

Wait? Why should I care?

Whatever it is why should I bother about a violent,aggressive person like him.

I walked inside maths class and took my seat at the front of the class,by Mrs Turners desk and then walked in Darren he looked at me and then at Chloe.

"Hey babe come and sit with me." Chloe said grabbing his hand and interlacing her fingers with his.For some reason,I felt a little uneasy...I felt.....jealous?

"Right class today we are going to start our assignment before the summer holidays in 2 weeks time, but this time theirs a twist,You will be working with the pairs I assign you too."

Oh no the last time this happened,I was forced to do all the work while she gets the credit.

"Mike and Layla

Chanel and John

Katherine and Julie

And so on until......

Darren and Chloe (Chloe started to scream like a slut in happiness)

And lastly....

Jennifer and Justin.

Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! OMG Justin he is the guy I have been crushing on since freshman year,he is so hot!!! He has blonde messy hair,blue eyes (like mine!) he's has light tan skin and he's tall and quite built.He is one of the sweetest and kindest Jocks ever!

"Hey Jen" he said waving at me.

"Hey Justin!" I said flashing him a smile.

He laughed and took a seat next to mine.

"Well your in a good mood aren't you?"he said chuckling.

"Haha well if I'm working with you then obviously."

Oh crap! I quickly shot my hands to my mouth full of embarrassment.

Great, me and my big mouth.

"Haha I'm glad I'm working with you too." He said smirking.

I looked back at Darren he looked furious,like he was going to kill me any second.

He grabbed Chloe's face and slammed his lips onto hers.

Eewww....the way they were kissing was really gross.

But for some reason I started to feel angry,that I wasn't in Chloe's place.


I shook my head at the thought and looked forward at Justin.

Me and Justin started to talk about random things that popped into our head.Thats what I like about Justin he will just go with flow.Just because he's popular in the school he doesn't make anyone feel low,that's why everyone in the school are friends with him.


ooohhhhh Darren's a werewolf!!!!

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Love ya all


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