Chapter 17

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I carefully sat down on the couch, trembling in fear.
Instantly i felt arms scoop me up,placing me on their lap.
I looked back with Darren eyes straight at the TV.
I smiled at myself because he looked so cute, concentrating on the movie.
I tried hard to get this thought, out of my head.
I tried to get out of his grip, but I heard him growl making his chest vibrate.
I sat their quietly in between Darren's legs,with Darren's soft,hard arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me warm and the strong masculine perfume smell, filling up my nostrils.
Might as well get myself comfortable.
I shuffled into his chest,with my head placed in the crook of his neck and dosed of to sleep...
"Honey wake up!"
I opened my drowsy eyes,pulling my self up letting out a big yawn.
I looked around the room realising Darren wasn't here. I wonder where did he go or when did he leave.
Why should I be bothered about him?
I know I should be happy that he left but for some reason, I feel sad that he's not near me.
Weird right?
"Hey mom...when did you come?" I spoke stretching my arms out.
"An hour ago,know go to bed you got school tommorrow." She said wiping the glass table.
Oh yeah which reminds me.
"By the way mom...why did you do that to me in the morning?" I questioned.
"Do what?"
"You know what mom..." I spoke crossing my arms against my chest.
"What the prank?Haha that was funny!" She laughed.
"That's wasn't funny mom,In fact that wasn't even a prank and your not the age to be playing pranks."
"Oh ok so youngsters can play pranks but parents can't?" She walked out of the room,towards the kitchen.
"Yes.." I mumbled to myself.
"Just go to bed,Goodnight!"
"Night mom!" I yelled back.
I jumped of the couch with a paper falling onto my feet.
I picked the paper up and unfolded it.

Sorry left early,didn't want you to get in trouble by your mom.
See you at school tommorrow.
Love Darren the sexiest guy ever!
Btw you so owe me a knew dribbled all over mine!

Hey I never dribble in my sleep!
Ugh he think so much about himself!
I walks to my bedroom and jumped onto my bed letting the blackout take over me.
"Hey Margaret!Have you seen Lucy and them?"
In the morning I had a music and art exam and haven't seen Lucy or anyone around.
"Oh their eating outside today,I think their on the hill." She spoke looking up from the book she was reading.
"Alright thank you..." I ran out of the cafeteria, pushing through the outside gates.
I looked around and caught a glance of Lucy sitting on Scott's lap.
Ugh I think, I'll have to get use to this.
I ran towards them and carefully, walked up the hill.
Their sat...
Lucy,Scott,Neena,Kim,Sarah,the other friend and Darren...
"Hey everyone." I mumbled.
"hey Jen." Everyone said in a unison. "Jen sit down!" Lucy said pulling me down,making me stumble in my steps.
"Grrrr." I heard.
Lucy quickly removed her hand from my arm and she was staring at something with shock in her eyes.
I trailed her eyes,she was looking at Darren full of fear while he was giving her deathly glares.
Hey,what's that all about?
"So Jen how are you?" Questioned the good looking guy,I don't know his name.
"I'm good thanks how about you...eermm sorry I don't really know your name."
"It's Danny." Oh so the other goodlooking boy name is Danny.
He started to smirk and I heard a growl coming from Darren,this time he was furious with me!
God..someone's got anger issues!
I looked at Danny and he was staring at Kim with love?
She looked back at him and blushed.
"So you hanging out with me today?"
I asked Lucy, munching on the apple I stole from Neena.
"I can't I'm hanging out with Scott today." Lucy spoke frowning.
"How about tomorrow?" She said gently placing her hand on my shoulders.
"Ah can't got another art exam tomorrow." I sighed.
"How about next week Saturday we all are going out." Interrupted Darren.
"Not with you.." I muttered under my breath.
"Sorry what was that?" He said smirking.
I stood up and walked away making sure he saw me giving him a dirty look, but that made him laugh even more.
*Bell Rings*
I scurried to class pushing through the crowd formed in the building.
Instantly I felt someone grasp my arm and pull me into one of the corners in the hallway.
For some reason, I already knew who it was,he's the only one who can give me sparks of pleasure,just by touching me.
"What do you want Darren..." I sighed,placing my hands on my hip.
"Be ready tommorrow at 7.."
He walked away with a smirking playing on his face.
"And what if I don't?"
He stopped walking and turned around.
"Haha do you seriously want everyone to see you sleep while you dribble!?!" He chuckled,walking off.
" jerk and I do not dribble!" I yelled while he just walked away waving back.
Argh he's got a recording of me sleeping! Oh and 'apparently' dribbling too!!!
Wonder what else he's going to blackmail me for...
This chapter is quite boring but trust me next chapter is going to be way better!
So keep reading!!!
Love ya all💖

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