Chapter 16

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I chased him around the house,smashing antiques and frames on the floor.
Wow,this guy runs fast!
He suddenly stopped making me bump into his rock hard back.
He fell on the floor with me falling on top of him.
We laid their with my legs between his gazing into each other's eyes.
I swear I can feel something poking my lower part of my stomach,but I'm just going to ignore it.
Even though it feels to awkward right Know!!!
He brought his face near mine slamming his lips onto mine.
I couldn't resist...I just couldn't,his kiss was magical,our lips where syncing perfectly,he pushed his tongue into my mouth,moving along with mine.
He turned me around with him positioned on top of me.
I don't know why but I liked being near him..
"Oh...ummm...I think we should get up". I mumbled with my cheeks tinted red.
"Why?I like this position.." Muttered Darren winking.
"Eewww Darren!!!" I spoke slapping his chest and pushing his heavy body of mine.
He started to laugh,tripping in his own footsteps.
"Are you done yet?" I questioned faking to look at my arm,imagining their was a watch their.
"Ahum yeah sorry..."
I glanced around the room and all popcorn,frames and antiques pieces,scattered all around the room.
"Oh no look at this mess!" I screeched.
Mom is not going to like this,even though I'm 17 she'll properly get me a babysitter,which I don't want!
"It's not that bad...." Said Darren looking around the room,stroking his chin.
"NOT BAD?!?!GOSH...I WOULD BE SCARED TO SEE HOW YOUR HOUSE IS LIKE!." I yelled on top of my lungs.
"Oh you can...any day..any night." He said emphasising on the word 'night'.
"DARREN!" I shouted throwing a teddy bear right at him, but sadly, he ducked,I wish it hit his head.
"Woah! Ok I'm sorry..." He walked towards me gently laying his hands on my shoulders.
"Darren it's not a joke...if my mom comes home....and see's all this..."
I sighed rubbing my forehead.
"Don't worry well clean this up together before she arrives."
"But how?She must be on her way home..." I said frowning with my eyes down at the floor.
"Then let's get started!We can do so much in a little amount of time."
"True,come on then..."
We where sitting on the couch watching a scary movie called The devil inside... and I feel like I wet myself(I didn't though)
Yeah,I know why are you even watching the movie?
Because of Darren...
He insist we watch a scary movie rather then romance.
Apparently it's not fair because, he helped me clean up even though, he was the one who created the mess.
But I think we all know how Darren is like?
The room was dark he closed the curtains,the only light source was the TV.
Again Darren wanted the whole cinema darkness effect,I even told him go to the cinema to watch the movie but he goes this film isn't on the cinema right know.I told him go watch another scary movie but this film is his 'favourite'.
I just give up on the guy!
"Ummm Darren?" I whispered
"Hmm..." He mumbled.
" I don't know...turn the volume a little low..."
"Why? Theirs no point in the movie then."
I sighed and went back to watching the movie.
This was the part when they tried to perform, exorcism on the women.
I brought the pillow up near my face so I can quickly duck down when the frightening parts come up.
I looked up nothing was happening until I heard a horrific, piercing scream coming from the TV.
"Aaahhhhhh!" I screamed jumping of the couch, throwing the popcorn everywhere.
Oh not again...
"Will you quiet down a bit,you just ruined the moment." He hissed.
Hold up,what?!?!
Your sitting in my house,on my couch eating my popcorn,watching from my TV and telling me off?
I carefully sat down on the couch, trembling in fear.
Instantly i felt arms scoop me up,placing me on their lap.
I looked back with Darren eyes straight at the TV.
I smiled at myself because he looked so cute, concentrating on the movie.
I tried hard to get this thought, out of my head.
I tried to get out of his grip, but I heard him growl making his chest vibrate.
I sat their quietly in between Darren's legs,with Darren's soft,hard arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me warm and the strong masculine perfume smell, filling up my nostrils.
Might as well get myself comfortable.
I shuffled into his chest,with my head placed in the crook of his neck and dosed of to sleep...
Heyya 😘
Ok I got something to ask you guys...and you guys may find it weird but I really need your help...
Ok here it is...
I'm just going to say it in one go because ,I know some of you may find it weird.But I really need your help so can someone please help me!
You ready?
Idontknowhowtorevise!(I don't know how to revise)
I know stupid right?
But my big exams are coming up and I need a good way to revise so can someone please suggest me a good idea.
Love ya all💖

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