Chapter 21

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"Alright enough on the emotional talk so what's in that basket?" I asked trying to avoid the subject.
He smirked and brought out a chocolate cake decorated with cream,sprinkles and strawberries.
We started to laugh and talk about weird things.I didn't even know that we have been sitting here for hours and yet it felt so short.
"I think I should be going know." I muttered getting up from the blanket.
"Hold up Jennifer,I got another surprise for you..." He walked towards me bending down on one knee taking out a blue box with a beautiful silver heart shaped,necklace placed inside of it.
"Will you Jennifer Lawson go out with me?"
Oh my god...
Did Darren Smith just ask me out?
"Jennifer?woohoo I'm here!" He spoke clapping his hands in front of my face.
I looked back at him and blinked twice.
Could this be real?
"Never mind I knew you wouldn't agree,I just embarrassed myself." He mumbled frowning.
"Darren?" I questioned.
He turned around looking right at me.
That's when I did it.
I jumped onto him straddling him to the ground and slammed my lips on to his, instantly he kissed me back,he kissed me gently licking on my bottom lip,he tried to slip his tongue in my mouth but to tease him I tightened my lip in a straight line so their was no way he could slip his tongue in my mouth,until I felt something sharp prick my lip,I gasped and he pushed his tongue inside my mouth,smirking against my lips.I tangled my fingers in his hair while he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me so close to him that I swear, I can feel something bulging in his pants.
"So is that a yes?" He said piercing his deep hazel eyes into mine.
"Oh no I just kissed you for no reason." I rolled my eyes "of course!"
He pulled a mischievous grin on his face and twisted me over so now he was straddling me.
"Getting cheeky know aren't we?"
He started to tickle my stomach so hard that i was gasping for air.
"Da...Darren...Darren stop!" I yelled laughing with tears falling from my eyes.
"Oh yeah I love the way you scream my name!" He spoke tickling me even harder.
"Eewwww Darren gross!" I smacked his chest,with him rolling off beside me chuckling.
After a while we stopped laughing,he caressed my cheek with his hands making me feel warm and safe.
"You know I feel like the luckiest man right now..."
"Really why?"
"Because I'm blessed with a beautiful girlfriend like you..."
He quickly jumped in front of me holding my hands tight on to his waist.
"Who's their?!?!" He growled.
I heard shuffling in the trees.
"GRRRR!!!" Growled Darren pulling me beside him.
He quickly picked me up bridal style and ran out of the Forest, placing me on to the Motorbike and we drove off in silence.
"Your home..." He mumbled.
"Thank you Darren,I had fun today..."
He never spoke a single word.
I kissed his cheek and walked to my front door,then he sped off straight away onto the roads.
She looked so beautiful today,like a angel that's fallen from heaven,I felt like claiming her mine the minute I saw her but she was a human and to do that she needs to fall deeply in love with me,which was easy because the magic was starting to work,when ever I touch her I feel sparks,when ever I go near her I can smell the heat coming from her,when ever she's thinking, I can hear her thoughts.
My Wolf was chanting in my head,
'Ask her out!'
When I confessed my love to her I felt scared she might reject me, I mean which man would want to be rejected by his true love.
When she slammed her lips onto mine I felt over the moon,her juicy soft, strawberry flavoured lips got me insane,the way her lips were syncing with mine gave me another evidence of showing where made for each other,she made my wolf howl in pleasure,she gasped in the middle of my kiss because, she felt my junior bulging out but come on! Your kissing a smoking hot girl, who wouldn't get Horney?Especially being a Alpha Wolf I could have taken her right there, but she's my mate and I would like her to agree for me to do it ,not just force myself onto her.
My Wolf and I where relieved that's she accepted us,I felt like the luckiest man alive.I was just about to grab her and show her how much I love her, until I heard a unusual sound,I sniffed the air and all I can smell is danger.
I quickly pushed Jennifer behind me,I know where their coming from ,I knew who they are coming for, I knew their here to stalk me and the only person who would even be bothered to do something like that because he doesn't have a life is...TREVOR!
I was worried about Jennifer's safety we left the forest earlier then I thought.
All the way through I didn't say any word and I couldn't I was just too frustrated to even think straight. I can tell Jennifer felt upset ,but she doesn't know that Alphas have really bad anger problems.she properly doesn't even know what is a Alpha.
When we reached her house I know she felt confused and worried at the same time,I can feel it through her touch.
I couldn't face her because, If I do I will be guilty of not telling her about being a Werewolf.
I'm just scared she might reject me after finding out I'm a Werewolf.
As soon as she jumped of the motorbike ,I sped off straight to the pack house in the forest ,giving everyone a mind signal to meet me at the pack house for a emergency meeting.
This chapter is sooooo boring right?
But don't worry,I promise the story will be getting better...😏
Please comment people!😜
Love ya all💖

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