Skype Call

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Chapter 18- Skype Call

Kasia's Pov

Ugh. I hate school. I turned off my alarm & got dressed then straightened my long blonde hair. My outfit today:

•Taylor Caniff shirt

•black leggings

•red converse

I got out my phone & texted Brittany.

To;/ Britt Conners

Ready fot school! Are you still picking me up with nashty?!

From;/ Britt Conners

Yepp. Be there in 10 minutes!!


I brushed my teeth, grabbed a bottle of water, shoved my iphone in my pocket, grabbed my backpack, and headed outside to wait for Nash & Brittany. Hayes is in 7th grade, so he still goes to the middle school. So he takes to bus.

After about 2 minutes, Nash & Britt pulled up infront of my house. I walked over & jumped in the back seat. (Since Britt was in the passenger seat)

"Whats up guys?" I shouted. "Nothin much. I hate school!" Brittany told us sternly. "Same here!" Shouted Nash. "Me three!"


"Bye Nash." Britt said as she gave him a kiss. "See ya babe." He said before walking off with his friends. "Ok lets go!" I shouted as Britt & I walked off to 1st period together. Im glad that im in all of the same classes as her. And Nash has 4th & 7th period class with us too. Wich is nice.


Finally! Its lunch time. Even though im not eating as much, I still love my food! I bought a cheeseburger & sat down next to Brittany & my friend Katherine.


Ugh. Finally im home! Wut wut! lol. But im happy to be home because that means I can call Taylor! I havent seen him since yesterday, and I miss him alot already. I pulled out my phone & went on twitter. Then I tweeted something.

Kasia James;/ kasiacaniff

Miss you already! <3


Then I went on to my messages & texted Taylor.

To;/ Taylor ma Bæ

Miss you! Skype?!

From;/ Taylor ma Bæ

Miss u too! Call me on skype!


I pulled out my laptop & logged onto skype. Then I went to Taylor's contact & called him on there. In about 20 seconds, his face poped up on my screen. "Hey babe." He said as he looked at the camera. "Hey Tay. I miss you!" I told him. "I miss you too Kasia. But I'll see you at Atlanta!" He said sounding excited.

"Oh yeah! I forgot. I still need to ask my mom about that. But i'll do that as soon as she gets home from work!" I promosied Taylor. "Ok."

Taylor & I talked on skype for about 3 more hours until he had to leave. I didnt want to end the call, but he promised to call me tomarrow so we could video chat again. Thank the lord for inventing internet!

I walked downstairs to see my mom cooking dinner. Now is the hard part. Asking to go to Magcon Tour Atlanta when I just got home from NJ yesterday. Shes probubly going to say no, but she might say yes. Wish me luck!


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