Visit from Nash

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Chapter 29- Visit from Nash


Kayden's Pov

"Thanks Kyle." Kay said to her brother. "Your welcome. Need me to do anything else? Since I already put your bed together, need me to help bring up any boxes?" Kyle asked. "No, we're good. Thanks again Kyle." Kay said as she gave him a hug.

"Bye Kyle!" We both waved to him as he left our apartment. "So, maybe we could put your bed up against the wall to have more floor space?" I suggested.

"Thats a great idea." Kay said, and we both pushed her bed in the corner of her room. Then we put her nightstand next to it. "I'm going to get more boxes, can you start un packing those ones?" Kay asked me. "Yeah sure." I said. Then Kay left and went down to my car to get more boxes. I stayed up in her room and unpacked the 3 boxes that were already in here.

I unpacked movies, makeup, and school work. I put all her school stuff on her desk that Kyle put together for her. And started to put some of her cloths in her walk in closet.

My room is a lot bigger than Kay's, so since I was living here first, of course I picked the bigger room. But both of our rooms have big walk in closets.

I heard Kay coming back up, she stomped in her room where I was and screamed.

"YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO IS LIVING DOWNSTAIRS FROM US." She yelled. "Who?" I asked. "That dude from school! Logan, the one I told you about!" She yelled again. "No way!" I said.

"Yeah... I saw him. He said hi to me. And he was all like, yeah this is my brother and we are living down here with our dad, and I was all like okay then get out if my face I live up stairs bye now. And urrrrggggghhhh!" Kay said as she sat down on her bed.

"I think he likes you." I said as I smirked. "I hope not." Kay said and began to un pack more boxes. "Are there anymore boxes?" I asked. "No, they are all in here." She said as she unpacked quickly.

I heard a knock at the door. So I went to answer it. And it was Nash & Brittany. "Oh my gosh Nash! I cant believe I am finally meeting you!" I said as I gave him a hug. And then I have Brittany a hug. "Where is Kasia?" Nash asked.

"Shes in her room unpacking. First door on the left." I said as I pointed down the hall. "Thanks." Nash said and walked down to Kay's room.

Kasia (Kay's) Pov

I was in the middle of unpacking more if my cloths, when Nash walked in. "Nash!" I shouted and ran up to give him a hug. "Hey Kasia." He whispered. "What are you doing back in North Carolina?" I asked. "Visiting family. But I have something to tell you." He said. "Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"Taylor has a girlfriend." He said. "Ok." Was all I said. "Your not mad at him?" Nash asked. "Nash, I already have a new boyfriend. I have been dating him ever since 3 weeks after Taylor & I broke up." I stated. "Oh. I just wanted to tell you." Was all Nash said before he walked out of my room.

I continued to unpack all of my cloths and put them in my closet. It was getting late, it's already 10:15 pm, so I changed my cloths and put my phone on the charger. Then I got in bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Sorry that this chapter is really short compared to the last one. But I didn't know what to write! Okay, so I wrote this chapter on 7/7/14 {Matt's Birthday} and I am going to upload it on Wednesday. Which is today for you. And the next update after this is going to be on Friday! So the next update is Friday! Bye guys! _ily_ ~Cxx.

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