New Jersey

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Chapter 10- New Jersey


Nash's Pov

"Dude, your not even packed yet?" I asked Cam as we walked to his room. "Yeah, I kinda leave things to do until last minute." Said Cam.

"I guess I better pack, like now." He said while laughing. "Uh, yeah I think you better." I said as I pulled out my phone. As Cam started to pack, I went on to vine. I was bord waiting for Cam, so decided to make a vine.

"Ahhh, at Cameron's house!" I said to my phone. Then showed Cam packing all of his crap. I posted it then continued to watch him pack all of his things.

Kasia's Pov

"Should I take my curler?" I asked Brittany as I put my straightener in my suitcase. "Im taking mine, so we could just share." She said with a shrug. "Ok."

I had had just been released from the hospital yesterday, I still feel like shit. But I've been better. After Taylor came and visited me from the hospital, I felt better. Also, he wanted me to go to NJ with him so he could keep an eye on me. Which I dont mind. I like it when Tay protects me.

So, Britt came over to help me pack today. She had already packed all her stuff yesterday, and we were going to the airport together. Well, along with Hayes, Carter, Nash, & Cam. Nash flew to Cameron's, but is meeting up with us tonight, and we are all flying to NJ together.

I know that its hot outside, but I need to wear this sweatshirt. I dont have enough bracelets to hide my stiches. Along with the other scars on my other arm.

Taylor's Pov

"There. Finished." I had just got done finished packing for MagconTour New Jersey. I am really excited about going to NJ. I have never been there before, and im also really excited to see the guys again.

And ofcaurse im excited to see Kasia. I do feel bad about leaving her, but I had to come home to see my dad.

Brittany's Pov

"Whos up for pizza?!" I asked everyone. Nash & Cam had just got here about an hour ago, and we still need dinner. Hayes is coming up to Kasia's house in a few minutes. And Carter will be in here in about 45 minutes. "Yeah, i'll order." Cam shouted as his responce.

4/11/14 (6 am in the morning)

Kasia's Pov

" have to wake up!" I talked loudly in his ear. We are leaving in 2 hours for the airport, and I was the first one awake, trying to get everyone else up. "Come on Cam!" I shouted again as I stood up.

I then walked back down to the living room where Brittany & Nash were cuddled up on the couch together. Awwweee! They really are the cutest couple ever. "Wake up Bash!" I yelled over top of them. 'Bash' is their ship name.

Britt + Nash = Bash.

Nash moved a little then got up. "What time is it?" He asked me in a sleepy voice. "6:08 am." I responded with a laugh. Nash then gently shook Britt & woke her up. "What?" She asked Nash as she slowly woke. "Time to get up babe!" He said in a cheery voice.

Britt then got up and went to the shower. Nash & I went to the kitchen for breakfast. A few minutes later, we were joined by Cam & Carter taking a seat at the table. I made pancakes for all of us. So, I sat them in the middle of the table for the boys to take. They all gladley took 3 each.

Soon, I realized that Brittany was out of the shower so I decided to get in. After that, I got dressed and straightened my blonde hair. Each of the boys got a shower and then dressed.

Nash & Britt were cuddled up on the couch playin on their phones together. Cameron was upstairs getting his suitcase, Hayes was drying his hair, & Carter was brushing his teeth.

Soon it was 7:45 am, so we decided to just all go for a walk and take some selfies together. "Oh wait, let me get my jacket." I said before we all left for the walk. "Kasia, its way too hot out to wear a jacket, you'll get overheated again." Cameron said as he walked after me. "Cam, my arm? The stiches? I cant let that show. I dont have that many bracelets. Plus, I have even more scars from all of the IVs in my arm. And the stiches look gross. No one wants to see that." I said to Cam as I was putting on my jacket. "At least tell me if you get too hot and we'll come back, ok?" He asked me. "Ok." I said with a smile.

We all headed out for a walk around my neighbor hood. We took some selfies and posted them on Ig & Twitter.

I was getting a little hot, so I told Cam and he decided that it was time to go back to my house. When we got back, i went to say goodbye to my mom and her boyfriend Harry.

The we all loaded into the car. Carter drove, Cam in the lassenger seat, Nash, & Britt in the next row, then Hayes & I in the very back. And ofcaurse, all our luggage in the trunk. We then got to the airport and borded our plane.

It was 3 people in a row, so Nash, Hayes, & Cam sat together, then Carter, Me, and Britt sat in the other row infront of them. The plane ride was fun. We were making vines together and taking pictures. We soon landed in NJ and made it to our hotel. We were the first ones there.


Soon, all the other guys arrived. I was so happy to see my Taylor. Soon, we decided who was to share rooms with who.

Nash & Britt shared a room with Hayes & his girlfriend Maci who was coming tomarrow. Taylor & I were sharing a room with Matt & his new girlfriend Caitlin.

The Jacks & Shawn were sharing a room, and lastly, Aaron, Carter, & Jacob were sharing a room.

After I meet Caitlin, I think she seems really really nice. I think we are to be good friends in the future. And she seems like a good person for Matt.


Done! This is a long chapter- is it better to have long chapters or short chapters?😁 comment.💕⛄️

Bye! ~C xx

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