Its Over Part 2/2

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Chapter 33- Its Over Part 2/2


Kay (Kasia) Pov

Once Kayden & I got to the apartment building, I ran up the stairs to our apartment. We opened the door and walked in, Kayden went to her room, and I went to find Taylor. I walked to my room, but he wasn't in there.

I put my backpack on my bed and sat down at my desk. I looked and saw that Taylor charged my phone for me. Awww, he's so nice.

I picked up my phone and looked at the screen. Oh no. I hope he didnt see that text that Jake sent me.. I hurried up and responded to everyone who texted me.

To;/ Jake❤️

Hey. Please dont call me 'babe' anymore. I really need to talk to you in person.

To:/ Britt💕👊

Got in trouble....😂

To;/ Hayley😈💜


And then I changed Jake's contact name from, 'Jake❤️' to 'Jake' because if we are not dating anymore, I don't need a heart next to his name all the time.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked out of my room. I was about to go to the bathroom, when the door opened and Taylor stepped out.

"Hey I was looking for you." I said to him as I smiled. "Oh hi. Why didnt you brake up with Jake yet?" He asked me. "How do you know we didnt brake up yet? Wait.... Were you looking at my phone?!" I yelled. "Yes! Well, why didn't you?!" Taylor asked as he yelled at me.

"He wasn't at school! I'm not going to brake up with him on the phone. That's just not right!" I yelled at Taylor and walked to my room and slammed the door shut. I cant believe he was looking in my phone.

I sat on my bed and cried. Good thing my door was locked, or else Taylor would have came in. Then I heard another knock on the door, and a faint voice. It was Kayden.

"Kay? It me. Can I come in?" She asked through the door. I got up and wiped the tears off of my face. I don't know why I'm crying. There really is no reason to. I walked over and opened the door to let Kayden in. She walked in and sat on my bed next to me.

"It's okay. You need to stop getting like this. There is no reason that you should be crying right now." Kayden said as she looked at me. "Your right. I'm sorry." I said as Kayden & I hugged.

"How about you and me just go somewhere? To the movies, or just out to dinner. To get this whole brake up thing out of your head." Kayden suggested.

"Thanks. What about Taylor?" I asked. "Oh he already left. He had to fly back home. But he wanted me to give you this." Kayden said as she handed me a folded up piece of paper. I smiled at Kayden. Then she got up and left my room and went to hers.

So I put that piece of paper in my purse and decided to change my cloths. I'm really hot from wearing this sweatshirt all day.

So, I changed into a hot pink tank top and just kept on my jean shorts. I also put on my black converse, and left my long blonde hair straight and down.

I put my phone in my purse, and walked out of my bedroom to wait for Kayden. I was sitting on the couch when Kayden walked in. She was wearing a black tank top, white jean shorts, and her hair up in a messy bun. Along with her purse.

Then we both walked out to her car. I drove this time, because she always drives me to school and everywhere else.

So, we went to the movies. Just so I could get my mind off of this whole thing with Taylor & Jake.

Kayden & I were in line buying our tickets for the movie. And someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Logan. That's right.

"Hey, what movie are you seeing?" He asked me. When he said that, Kayden turned around and answered for me.

"Thats none of your business. Now go bother someone else for once." Kayden said to Logan and then turned back around so her back was to him. Then I just started laughing uncontrollably.

"What the fuck is wrong with you..?" Logan asked as he started laughing too. "I don't know! I'm weird, I laugh a lot!" I said as I continued to laugh. The Kayden started laughing too.

Thats an affect I have on people. Once I laugh, they start laughing because I'm just so funny! No really.... But kinda...


Kayden, Britt & I walked in the door to mine & Kayden's apartment. We ran into Brittany sitting alone at the theater.

So, we joined her and now she came home with us! Shes said she had a bad day with Nash. So, she's staying over night here with us.

We could cheer her up. Her & Nash have been getting into a lot of fights lately. And they both think its time to Brake up.

But that makes me kinda sad. Britt &

Nash were such a cute couple! And I thought they were perfect for each other. But, I was wrong. Not every relationship is going to work out.

Now that I think about it, Taylor & I could brake up again. Because no body is perfect. We are all human and we all make mistakes. So, Nash & Britt decided to brake up. But they are only human. They cant be the most perfect couple.

And after the movie was over, I ran into Jake. And I was finally able to brake up with him in person. I didn't want to brake up with him through a text. Because that has happened to me before with lots of boyfriends. And I wouldn't do that to someone.

So I have great news. I, Kasia Elizabeth James, is single. But, not for long. Because I broke up with Jake so that I could date someone that I actually am in love with. And his name, is Taylor Michael Caniff. And I love that idiot to death.


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