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Chapter 38- Starbucks?

August 15, 2015

Kasia's Pov

It only took about 3 hours to pack everything. Well, all my stuff. Kayden has been packing her stuff for 3 days now. It was quicker for me to pack because all I had was everything in my room. Kayden had everything in the apartment except my room of course. Now that Kayden graduated high school, her parents are making her move back to Alabama. That means that I cant stay here and I need to move out too.

Well, that's okay because I'm moving to somewhere else, with someone else. If you haven't guessed already, I'm going to college. And I'm going to be living with a roommate. I only know that my roommates name is Emily. I know nothing else about her.

I was accepted into the University of Philadelphia. That's right, I'm moving to Philly. I have never been their before, but I'm really excited to be living there. I might get my own apartment near where ever Taylor is living by the time in done with college.


"Thank you." I said to the lady behind the counter as she handed me my Starbucks drink. Then I went over to one of the tables and took my laptop out of my big bag that I was carrying around. I put in my password to my laptop as I drank my Starbucks. I put in my ear buds (with a mic) Then I went onto Skype and called Taylor. He answered it. "Hey." He said to me. "Hi Taylor. I miss you!" I said back to him. "I miss you too. Where are you?" He asked me. "Starbucks." I laughed. I go to Starbucks almost every week now that I'm done with high school and have nothing to do.

"Of course you are. I should've guessed!" Taylor laughed. "Umm.. I actually applied for a job here.." I told Taylor and he looked at me like im crazy. "Dont you already have a job?" He asked. "Well.. I kinda got fired..." I said quietly. "What?! What did you do?" He asked.

I used to have a job at the mall. I worked at Old Navy. But I quit because there was an opening at Wet Seal and they pay more money. I got the job at Wet Seal, but then I got fired after showing up late for 3 days without any notice.. I actually lied to them. The first time, I told them there was traffic, the 2nd time, I said I had a baby and my babysitter quit on me and I had to take my son to my parent's house, (I don't have a kid) and the third time I told them that my dog ran away and I was out looking for them.

They were all lies. There was no traffic, because I walk to the mall. And I don't have a kid. And my dog Buster stays with my mom & her husband, but Buster never ran away. And I eventually got fired.

"Ugh, I was late to work 3 times, and I made up stupid excuses..." I said to Taylor as I laughed some more.

I continued to talk to Taylor for a half hour, just sitting in Starbucks. But I eventually had to hang up because my laptop was about to die..

After I hung up the call with Taylor, I put my laptop back in my bag, and threw away my drink. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk out of the door.

"Wait Kasia!!" I turned around when I heard my name being called. When I turned around I saw this girl run up to me. She looked like she was about 13. "Uhh... Who are you?" I asked politely as she stood in front of me. "I'm a big fan of Taylor. Your Kasia right? His girlfriend?!" She said excitedly.

"Oh, your a fan." I mumbled. "Can I get a picture?!" She asked me. "Sure whats your name?" I asked her. "I'm Chloe." She said. "Well, nice to meet you Chloe." I told her. Then she took out her phone and we took a selfie together.

"Chloe, tag me in that picture on twitter. And I'll follow you." I said to her with a big smile. "Really?! That would be amazing! Okay, bye Kasia! I lived meeting you!"

"Aww, I loved meeting you too!" I said to Chloe before I walked out of Starbucks. She is the first person who recognized me in 2 months.. Well since I'm not spending that much time with Taylor or anyone else besides my friends who are nobody's except Britt, fans have forgotten about me...



This chapter is like a month late or something like that.. And I have no excuse to tell you why I didn't update. So sorry! Next update wont take as long! Bye guys! _ily_ ~Cxx.

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