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Previously; Kasia's Pov

"Taylor has a girlfriend." He said. "Ok." Was all I said. "Your not mad at him?" Nash asked. "Nash, I already have a new boyfriend. I have been dating him ever since 3 weeks after Taylor & I broke up." I stated. "Oh. I just wanted to tell you." Was all Nash said before he walked out of my room.

Chapter 30- Madison


Taylor's Pov

"Thanks." Madison said to the guy behind the counter. Then we walked over and got our popcorn and drinks. "Ready to go?" I asked her. "Yep." She smiled. Then we both walked down the long hallway to the room that the movie was playing in.

Madison & I walked up the steps to the seats in the very back. They are the best seats because you can see everything better.

And yeah its true. Madison & I got together. We actually hooked up a couple days ago, and I asked her out yesterday. So, here we are on our first date at the movies watching, The Fault In Our Stars.

Madison already saw this movie, but she demanded that we see it. I haven't seen it before. "Your going to cry." Madison said as she looked over at me. "No I want." I said as I looked up at the movie that started playing. "Your the one going to cry." I said back at her. "Yes, because I am a girl that gets emotional." She smiled. "You cried when I fucked you Thursday night!" I laughed.

"Taylor! There are people here!" Madison yelled. But I just laughed really hard that I started crying. "See, I told you you would cry!" Madison said again as she laughed too.

"Hey be quiet!" Some old guy sitting in front of us yelled at us. "Get a life old man." I mumbled. Good thing he didn't hear me. Because if he did, I probably would have my same arm broken again. Not because he hurt me, but because I punched his ugly face.

Half way through the movie, I was getting bored. So, I pulled out my phone and started playing BuckWild. Really really loud. And I started singing to it too.

"Taylor stop it!" Madison yelled at me. "Hey be quiet Madison! I'm bored." I said to her then continued dancing while standing on the theater chair. "Turn it off!" The whole theater started yelling at me. "Oh fuck off." I said and turned off my music. Then about 2 minutes later, guess who shows up? Security guards.

"Excuse me sir, you have to come with me." One of them said as he walked up to me. "Of course." I said as I looked down at Madison. Then I followed the guy out of the theater. Leaving Madison in there crying because of the movie.


"Sir, what is your name?" The owner said as I sat down in his office thing. "Taylor." I mumbled. "Your full name, please Mr. Taylor?" He said to me. "Taylor Michael Caniff." I said louder and annoyed now. "Wait.. Taylor Caniff? For real?" He asked. "Well I ain't lyin." I said to him.

"My daughters love you. Can I get your auto graph for them? Please? I'll let you off the hook." He said as he smiled at me. "How about.. You call your daughters on the phone, and I'll talk to them and give each of them an auto graph. But, you have to let me off the hook, & give me free food whenever I come here." I said to the owner.

"Deal." He said. Then we both stood up and shook hands. Then he took out his phone and called his daughters cell phone.

He told me that they are twins. Sophia and Elizabeth. So, he gave me the phone as it rang.

"What dad?" One of them answered. "Hi is this Elizabeth?" I asked. And she immidietly screamed. "Oh my gawd is this Taylor?!" She asked as her voice shacked. "Yes it is. Is your sister there?" I asked Elizabeth. "Yes, oh my gawd. SOPHIE!" She yelled, calling for her sister.

"Hello?" I heard Sophia say. "Hi is this Sophia? This is Taylor Caniff here to deliver a special message." As soon as I was done saying that, she screamed. Either she screamed really loud, or they both screamed at the same time.


I was on the phone with the girls for about 20 more minutes. Then I hung up, signed some papers for him to take home to his daughters, then left his office.

The movie was over, and I found Madison waiting for me. "It's about time. What happened in there?" She asked. "He let me go." I said proudly.

"Really? Why?" Madison asked. "Because I did him a favor." I said as I smiled. "Okay then." She said and we both walked out to my car. "Ready to go see everyone?" I asked her. "Actually.. Can you drop me off at home before leaving? I decided to stay and not go." She said shyly.

"Why?" I asked. "Because like almost everyone hates me. And I don't want to interfere with Jack & Cameron's birthday party tonight. It's their day, and if they wanted me there then they would have invited me." She said sadly.

"Okay." I mumbled. Then we got in my car. I drove Madison back to her house before driving to the airport. I'm really excited to see Cam, Nash, Hayes, Jack, Jack, Shawn, and Carter. We are the only ones getting together for this party. Everyone else wasn't able to make it.

Since Cameron and Jack G's birthdays are 1 day apart, we decided to have the party on the 9th for the both of them.




Another chapter completed! Yay! I am uploading this one earlier than Friday. And btw, Taylor does not actually like Madison.

You know how Kasia turned goth & dated Jake again? It's because she is sad. Taylor hooked up with Madison because he is sad. They are just dealing with their problems differently. That's all. Oh, but you are all going to love the next chapter! If I get 15 votes on this before Friday, I'll upload it as soon as this chapter gets 15 votes! If not.. It will be uploaded on Friday!

Cameron's birthday- 9/8

Jack G's birthday- 9/10

Ok, bye guys. _ily_ ~Cxx.

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