the concert..

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Alley and her boyfriend are at the chris young concert. her boyfriend had been drinking and was now drunk. alley hadn't been with kayden long so she didn't know that when he was drunk he turned abusive. they were 4 songs into the concert when kayden suddenly decides to take a swing at alley. he hits her and she falls back in her seat and since they were only 5 rows back chris saw everything. alley stood up and checked her jaw before taking a swing at kayden. Chris saw this too. music stopped as he hit her. Chris called security and had kayden removed before having security take alley backstage so he could check on her. her nose and mouth were bleeding and now since she took a swing at kayden her knuckles were now busted. once Chris gets back stage to check her make sure she was okay kayden had been arrested and would be spending the night in jail which didn't bother alley but he had taken the keys to his truck and now alley had no way home thanks to her now jackass ex boyfriend. Chris walks back stage and goes to find alley. he walks over and says

"hey are you doing okay?" I chuckle, smile and say

"yea I'm good if you call a bruised jaw, busted lip and half broken nose okay" Chris laughs and says

"well at least you hit him back. now lets get you to my bus and get this cleaned up before you drive home" I get up and walk with him to his bus. we get to the bus and he says

"you can sit down right there and i'll get the ice and get your nose and lip cleaned up" I do as he says and sit down to wait for him to clean me up even though I could have waited til I got home like I normally do after a fight. he comes out of the bathroom with a first aid kit then stops by the refrigerator and grabs the ice. he walks over and sits down beside me and says

"okay look at me" I turn to him and he says

"he did a good job on you. I should have gone down there myself and kicked his ass"

I try to hide my smile and say "it's okay I'm used to it. I did a good job on him in return. I actually I probably did a better job on him then he did on me.

" Chris laughs and says "you did get a good swing at him. I haven't seen a girl hit a guy like that. are you just naturally good at hitting guys or something?" I laugh and say

"I'm actually an MMA fighter so I guess I'm just naturally good at hitting guys" we both laugh and he starts cleaning my lip. he presses the paper towel to my lip and when it touched my lip it stung which made me jump. he says

"sorry I should have told you it would sting" I smile and say

"its okay I'm seriously use to it" after getting me cleaned up he says

"so do you have a way home or did that you bring that asshats car?" I laugh and say

"well we did so I guess I'm walking" he says

"no your not. I'm gonna take you home" I say

"I cant put you out besides you have to work tomorrow so you need your sleep" he says

"no I'm actually off tomorrow and your not putting me out. this way I know your getting home safe without having some drunk asshat driving you there"

before I can argue anymore hes backing his car out of one of the rigs and pulling up beside me. he gets out and jogs around to my side to open my door and help me in. he runs back around to his side and gets in. we drive out of the parking lot and down the street before he says

"so where do you live?" I say

"I live in Nashville but I'm staying In shawsville, it's about 35 minutes away from here but with this crazy traffic its gonna be more like an hour "

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