I need you now..

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since chris and I got married and had elaina our Christmas's have been twice as special because having kids just

makes life more enjoyable, once upon a time in my life a while ago I couldn't imagine myself having kids or

being married til one day this guy came into my life and changed me and my life for good. before we had kids

we would have sleep in for a bit on christmas morning but now elaina's 2 and she knows what Christmas means

and now we have another baby girl in the house, I've pretty much been off duty since Maggie was born because

my husband will not let me do much of anything.......I love that he's so sweet but i'm getting bored.

today is December 20th meaning the few people we have coming to spend Christmas with us are coming in a- there's the door bell.

chris's aunt and uncle are here.

showing them up to their room I checked on our my baby girls, both still sleeping peacefully in elaina's room, being

the loving aunt Kathy is she asked to pop her head in and take a peek at them. looking at them now sleeping they

both look just like their daddy, If I didn't love their daddy so much and love that they were the younger version of

their daddy I would be mad or upset that I carried them for 9 months and they don't look a bit like me.

but I love that they look exactly like their daddy, elaina has his dark and wavy hair along with his smile

and heart honestly they are so much alike that the first thing people say is "wow she's definitely chris's

little girl" I can't help but smile and say "she's a total daddy's girl" and Maggie well she has my lighter

hair but her daddy's looks just like her big sister elaina.

from the moment I found out we were expecting somehow I just knew she was a girl, I just had that

motherly feeling, then when I found out she really was a girl my smile only got wider. and chris well he was so excited

about the fact he was going to be a daddy he couldn't care less if it was a girl or boy as long as it came healthy and happy and I was alright.

then when I found out about Maggie I had that feeling again that Maggie was a girl and sure enough when it came time to

find out I was right again, Chris was just excited at the fact he was going to be a daddy again and of course at the fact he was

going to have another baby girl to protect from the boys who are sure enough going to be showing up on our doorstep,

the first thing he said to elaina after she was born was "baby girl you aren't dating til your 50" I couldn't help but smile.

Chris loves our girls more than anything in this world besides me. being a dad just came natural to him unlike being a mom came to me,

the whole pregnancy I worried that I wasn't going to be a good mom but chris well he was always there to remind me that I would be a great mom

and not to worry so having the trust I have in him I believed him everytime and I still do.

once I got done with the moment I was in talking about our girls I showed Kathy and dave to there room and went back down stairs to answer the

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