California vacation!

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here we are 8 almost 9 months later and we are now getting ready to go on our first family vacation ever with Elaina! I'm so excited to go on vacation.

honestly I'm still surprised that chris took off 2 weeks almost in the middle of prime concert season but i don't care because that means we get to go on vacation!

anyways I'm in our bedroom right now getting us packed, cause tomorrow we head out to California for 2 weeks! I'm packing my bags first and then i'll help chris pack once he gets home which reminds me he should be home any time now.


i get out of the jeep and walk up to the door before going in and saying "babe I'm home!"


just as i said chris is home! he walks upstairs and into our room before coming over to peck me on the lips just like he does when ever he comes home from the studio.

once he pecks me he says "i have missed you like crazy today babe"

i smile and say "well why'd ya leave?" he laughs

"well babe i have to work"

i laugh "i know babe i was kidding! so you ready to start packing?"

"sure am! i ready for some California sun. so where is my baby girl?"

"me too babe, me too! she's in her crib napping"

"oh. alright lets get packing!"

"alright I'm almost done i just have a few more things to pack then i'll help you pack and then we gotta get elaina packed"

"alright" with that i finished my packing and started helping chris pack then once we got done we went into elaina's room and pulled out her suit case (yes i know what your thinking your 8 month old daughter a suit case? yes we did because my suit case is full with my clothes and shoes then chris's suit case is full with his clothes and shoes so we just got her a small one) chris pulls her suit case out and we start packing her case, right before we finished she woke up and the first thing she saw was her daddy.

this baby girl has her daddy wrapped around her little finger! he picks her up and we finish packing her bag before i take elaina and chris moves all our bags suit cases downstairs to the hallway beside the front door.

after we finished with the bags i gave elaina back to chris so i could go start dinner which is already late.

while i made dinner chris made elaina a bottle and fed her so we could both eat without elaina crying or trying to take our food off our plates.

she started on baby foods 2 months ago and she's now on whole milk instead of formula because every formula made her spit up and gives her a really upset stomach, we found out that her formula was the reason chris and i both had maybe 4 hours of sleep in a month because she stayed up and cried all night long and all day.

anyways she's doing great now and she said her first word just a couple days ago and her first word was "dada" of course it was dada cause she's daddy's little girl.

once we finished dinner we sat on the couch and watched a movie before we headed up to bed to get some rest before we hit the road to California in the morning.

5:30am. {alley}

getting up at 5:30 in the morning is not my idea of fun cause i feel like shit the rest of the day but when it comes to vacation and i have to get up early I'm okay with it. so right now I'm in the bathroom throwing my hair in a messy pony tail before putting on eyeliner and finishing my look up with some setting spray. once I'm done i walk out of the bathroom to find my husband still asleep when he told me he was getting up right after i came in the bathroom. i can't help but smile looking at his bed head. i walk over and shake him gently and whisper

"chris babe its time to go" he slowly wakes up and says

"what time is it?"

i smile and say "its 5:52" he nods then gets up out of bed and goes into the bathroom with his clothes in hand while I'm in the bedroom pulling out a pair of leggings and one of chris's concert hoodies. once i put the leggings on and the hoodie i walk out of our room and into elaina's.

sure enough she's waking up because she's ready to eat so i pick her up and walk downstairs to the kitchen to make her a bottle before warming it and feeding her.

i had been feeding elaina about 10 minutes when chris comes down the stairs and over to me sitting on the couch and pecks me on the lips and says "morning babes" i smile and say "morning darling!" porter and jaylee are staying with dot and james while we are gone and they came last night to pick them up instead of us dropping them off this morning. once chris made our coffee he grabbed the keys to my jeep and taking the suit cases out and loading the jeep. once he loaded the jeep which he started he came back in the house to let me know the jeep was warm and we could head out so he went around to all the doors and made sure they were locked before we went out and got in the jeep and headed out.

before we got on the interstate we stopped and got a quick breakfast before we hit the interstate to California.

couple days later we arrived in California and checked into our hotel before going out to see some sights in the beautiful California sun.

our first stop was food then we went to the golden gate bridge then we went to the beach and spent the rest of the day before going to get dinner and heading back to our hotel.


our entire trip to California was amazing and tonight is our last night in California before we head home to Nashville tomorrow and go back out on tour.

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