Maggie's first birthday!

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Alley POV.

"babe are you sure you told the guys to be here early to help us set up tomorrow?" i asked stressing about Maggie's birthday party tomorrow

"yes baby,  i asked them to be here early to help set up and they said they were bringing their family's too" he smiled wrapping his arms around my stomach from behind

"that's great. now we have to get the cake and someone has to be here when the caterers get here and when jade and LJ get here with the horses and-" i was hyperventilating from all the stress of trying to tell Chris everything that had to be done till Chris cut me off.

"alley baby, breath! the party is going to be perfect and besides Maggie is only a year old so she wont remember one little flop up and besides your family is here, my family is here and jade and Larry are going to be here so we will have more than enough help and besides even if we don't, as long as our little girls have fun its going to be perfect!" he smiled kissing my cheek

"i am so afraid everything is going to fall apart" i sighed before i sat down on his lap.

"everything is going to be fine i promise!" he kissed me

"you really think so?" i asked him

"i really think so!" he smiled

"i hope so, i love you baby!" i smiled and kissed him.  

"I love you too alley young!" he smiled and held me tight.

we fell asleep and slept peacefully all night then got up early the next morning just in time to receive our first guests, jade and Larry with the stock.

5 hours later the rest of the guests arrived and the party started.

mid way through the party we stood on the deck Chris with his cowboy hat on and me with Chris's hoodie on that ate me and Chris smiled down at me before he said

"hey everybody! first of all we'd like to thank you all for coming to help us celebrate our little girls first birthday and for some of you guys coming early to help set up you have no idea how grateful we are for your help!" he smiled down at me

the party winded down and everybody but jade and Larry left. they're staying through Wednesday and of course our girls are being spoiled rotten till then.

the following weeks were spent at the doctors for both me and the girls and at home alone for 2 weeks with the girls.

being a mother of 2 is exhausting and I miss my big bear Chris and so do the girls. i can't wait to have him home next Monday.

chasing a toddler and a 4 year old is absolutely exhausting day in and day out, i haven't had 2 minutes to clean the house and it's a total mess unlike normal.

i don't know what's harder being at home alone with the girls or trying to make it work with 6 adults and 2 kids on the bus......there both pretty hard but at least on the bus I have Chris to help out, here are home I have me, myself and i.........and they don't help very much HaHaHa.

Face-time request..........please don't wake the kids.

"hey babe!" i answered Chris

"hey honey, guess what!" he sounded excited

"your coming home early? please say your coming home early" I almost pleaded

"I'm coming home early! I miss you and the girls and i told deacon I'm getting so he's canceling the next 2 weeks of shows. can you pick me up at the airport in the morning?" he asked smiling

"can we go on a vacation?, we miss you too baby. we'll be there just tell me what time" i smiled grateful for the amazing husband I have

"I bought 3 tickets to Hawaii boarding tomorrow night. my flight leaves at 2 in the morning" he smiled

"you read my mind! I love you! we'll be there" i smiled

"I love you! now get some sleep and your amazing handsome husband will be home in the morning" he laughed

"and you get some rest because Laina and mags are gonna wear you out! your amazing and beautiful wife and daughters will be at the airport to get you first thing in the morning" i grinned

"don't grin like that, I'm too far away to love that grin off" he grinned

"then I guess you'll have to wait a little longer to love it off" I chuckled as Laina walked through the door

"i guess i will"

"hey baby what's wrong?" i asked Laina

"i couldn't sleep mommy, is that daddy?" she climbed up in the bed with me

"it sure is!" I smiled

"hey baby girl!" Chris smiled

"hey daddy! guess what!!" she smiled excitedly

"what baby?" he smiled

"uncle Cody was here today and uncie and mommy took me and Maggie out riding on the horses" she smiled brightly

"i know mommy sent me pictures! did you have fun?" he smiled

"it was so much fun daddy! i cant wait to ride with you and mommy when you get home" she smiled looking at Chris on the screen of my laptop

"I cant wait either, i miss you baby girl!"

"I miss you too daddy, when are you coming home?" she asked looking dad

"you, mommy and Maggie are gonna pick me up at the airport first thing in the morning" he smiled

"really daddy??" she got excited

"really baby! daddy's coming home tomorrow!" he smiled

"oh boy!!" she smiled

"alright baby, daddy's gotta go i gotta get to the airport in a little bit so daddy can get home to see his girls sooner" he smiled

"daddy is mommy one of your girls?" she asked

"mommy is one of daddy's girls, she was daddy's first girl" he smiled

"okay daddy. i love you daddy" she smiled

"bye baby, i love you too" he blew a kiss and she blew one back before I tucked her in on daddy's side of the bed

"alright babe it's almost 12 here so i should get some sleep so we can come get you in the morning" i smiled tightening the messy bun on my head

"okay i should get going too, by the way did i say how beautiful you are tonight?" he asked

"no you didn't but thank you and you look handsome as always!" I laughed

"thank you." he smiled

"you have no idea how much i miss you holding me at night"

"I know I miss you guys too, i miss my little alley bear"

"alright baby i've gotta go, i love you" i smiled

"okay, I love you too" he smiled

"bye babe" i waved

"bye" he blew a kiss before he ended the Face-time.

Chris really is the best guy I could ever ask for.

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