8 months

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so its time for my 8 month check up at the OBGYN so chris took the day off to come with me and its also the first time hes actually gotten to come with me in a long time so hes excited to the the baby move and hear its little heart beat.

right now I'm in my closet here in our home in Nashville trying to find some that fits which is hard right now.

Chris has been sitting on the bed saying "babe just wear one of my shirts and your maternity jeans"

so finally I listen to my husband and let him pull me one of his shirts out while I pull out my pair of jeans that still fit. once he pulled me a shirt out and I pulled out my pair of jeans I get dressed and do my hair before putting on my light makeup and slipping on my flip flops and we head out. chris decides to the challenger today instead of the jeep since its getting harder for me to get in a jacked up jeep now that I'm almost 9 months pregnant. today after my doctors apt we are going shopping for more baby things. since chris has taken some time off he sent the bus to have a crib put in for our baby.

every since the baby started kicking chris has sit with his hand resting on the top of my tummy trying to feel him but he hasn't gotten to feel it yet.

today we are going to check up on the baby and to find out the sex of the baby. honestly I'm just excited to be having a baby with chris rather its a girl or a boy. I think chris really wants a girl but I think he also wants a boy.

we pull in the parking lot and I try to get out by myself but it isn't working so chris comes around and helps me out before going inside. chris goes to check me in and I sit down. 15 minutes later we are called back and with chris's help I climb up on the table and lay down. 10 minutes later the doctor comes in and shakes hands with chris and asks how we are then says

"alright lets check on the little one"

I lay down and pull my shirt up and he puts gel on my tummy and moves the monitor around my tummy til he finds the babys heart beat. the moment chris heard it his face wore a face ear to ear as he held my hand.

the doctor says "would you guys like to know the gender or would you like to wait?"

I smile and look at chris before saying "I think we wanna know today"

the doctor smiles and moves the monitor around my tummy again before saying "it looks like your having a baby girl!"

I smile at chris whos smiling ear to ear then the doctor says "congratulations Mr and Mrs young. your baby girl is doing great and it looks like she will be here on her due date which is Nov 28th"

we both smile and say "thank you doctor!"

the doctor says "so would you like some pictures to take home today?"

I smile and say "yes please!"

she prints the pictures and hands them to chris before grabbing some paper towels and cleaning the gel off my tummy and saying

"alright mrs young I wanna see you back a month from today so make the appointment on your way out"

we nodded okay and she walks out.

I pull my shirt down and chris helps me off the table then we walk out into the front and make my appointment for next month before leaving to get something to eat.

once we ate we came home and got our packing down for tomorrow since we are leaving out again tomorrow.

we agreed that once we got on the road tomorrow we would video chat with our family and close friends before posting on social media the gender of our baby.

next morning I get up and shower and pull on the shirt chris left out of his and a pair of shorts before going to fix breakfast.

I finish making breakfast and chris walks in ready to go. once we get done eating breakfast chris walks back upstairs and grabs our bags before putting them by the door and coming back over to the couch to sit and watch tv with me until they got here to pick us up.

4 hours later we are on the road and we decide its finally time to video call my mom. we video call my mom and she answers and says

"so do I get a grandson or a granddaughter?"

we smile and say "its a girl! we are having a baby girl!"

she screams excitedly and says "that's awesome I'm so excited! is she okay?"

we smile and say "yea shes doing great! they think shes going to be here on her due date"

she smiles and says "that's great y'all!"

2 hours later we are finally done video chatting with everyone and telling everyone. we sit down and decide on a name Elaina christen young


I am so excited to be having a daughter with alley. I really wanted a girl because I want a mini alley and now I'm getting one named Elaina christen young. I think the one who is the most excited about our up coming baby is alley's brother cody, though he wont admit it hes excited cause she's due on his birthday Nov 28th and shes going to be his first niece.

we have around a month and one week left and we are starting to get impatient. anyways today is alley's moms birthday so we are going out to eat with her while my mom and sister decorate our house for her party later this evening.

part 15 will be the birth of elaina christen young

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