new years

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Fast Forward a week

It's new years and chris and alley have decided to have alleys grandpa, alleys mom and her brother out to Nashville to celebrate new years with his family.
Alley was getting ready to leave her and Chris's apartment to get stuff for their party tonight when alleys grandpa asks if he can come with her, alley smiles and says

"sure grandpa!" Alley asks her grandpa what he thinks of Chris and he says

"he's a good one I can tell, he really loves you" alley smiles and says

"yea I think so too" her grandpa smiles and says

"I'm glad your finally happy" Your grandma and I are both really happy for you even she's not here to say it"
After getting all the stuff for their party they have lunch and head back to the apartment.
Before they know it's 7pm and everyone's starting to arrive for the party.
It's Jan 4th 2014 and it's time for alleys family to head home. After everyone's packed and the all the bags were in her mom's suv they walk them out and stand on the sideway waving goodbye. Alleys starting to tear up when Chris wraps his arms around her and whispers in her ear "It's okay they'll be back before you know it"

2 days later it's time for Chris to go back out on tour so alleys all packed and ready to go, alley walks out into the living room and gives Chris a big kiss after they leave alley looks at Chris and smiles saying

" I love you!" He smiles back at her and says

"I love you to!"

It's a week and half later and alley on the bus getting ready for the last concert of the week when Chris walks in and asks if she's ready. She replys and says

" ill be out in just a second" so he starts getting ready for the show, finally they're both ready and head inside.
After the concert they head back to Nashville to drop they're new puppy off at his mom's. After dropping him off at his mom's they head to the airport to fly out to Denver. Chris felt fine when they boarded. After about an hour in flight Chris starts getting really cold then really hot than really hot again. Alley asks him if he's okay and he says he's starting to feel sick. When they land in Denver he is taken from the airport by ambulance to a near by hospital, while alley was right beside him. After arriving at the hospital his blood pressure is low. After about 4 hours they put him in surgery. He was in surgery an hour and half.
After coming out of surgery your finally about to see him. Alleys asleep in the chair beside his bed. Not meaning to he wakes her up. She gets up and kisses him. She sits back down while holding his hand.
2 days later he's released to go home. On the drive back home to Nashville they talk the whole time. They arrive in Nashville and stop to eat before going home.
Next day they go to his mom's and pick up whiskey (their new puppy) after picking up porter they decide to just take a long drive down some old back roads before heading home. After arriving home Chris carries alley and porter inside. After locking the door he sits down on the couch and holds alley before he I noticed she fell asleep. He carries her to bed and and climbs in after her. After 2 weeks off it's time to go back out on tour. Alleys just finished packing when she hears Chris talking to porter

" you ready to go boy?" She laughs as she walks down the hall into the living room and asks him if he's ready go.

Chris's POV.

She gets more beautiful every time I look at her. I can't believe she's mine. I can't believe she stayed the hospital. I know I worried her and now I wanna get her something she's always wanted a horse!

Alleys POV.

He just keeps making me fall more in love with him every time he looks at me.
Hes mine and my mama loves him. I can't believe how blessed I am to have him.

Fast Forward 2 weeks

Arrive home and chris says he's got a surprise for alley. After dropping their bags off at home Chris blind folds her and takes her to see the horse he just bought her. She's so excited she can't stand it even tho she doesn't know he got her a horse. He takes the blind fold off and she see the horse and she turns around and jumps in his arms and kisses him to thank him. He says

"I'm glad you like her cause I was worried that you wouldn't like her"

alley replys "I love her!!! She's beautiful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

Well than let's take them out for a ride Chris says.

Alley replys "them?"

"Yes them I got 2 because I knew the one would get loney and because I kinda wanted one too" Chris says.
After they rode for almost 3 hours they are ready to leave and grab some food before coming home.
Alley wakes up the next morning wrapped in Chris's arms. Before getting up she checks her phone and finds a message from her mom saying that they would be there around 3pm. After replying she gets up and starts breakfast after showering.
Chris wakes up and smells bacon. He walks in the kitchen without alley noticing and wraps his arms around her waist and she smiles and says her family's coming in to stay for the weekend. After breakfast they drive out to see their horses and go for a ride. After going riding they stop at Wal-Mart to get food and stuff for the weekend. They got home and put away the stuff from Wal-Mart and sit down before they realise it's time for her family to arrive.

Adding more later

The love story of alley and chris youngWhere stories live. Discover now