almost wedding time!

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fast forward 3 months


so we finally decided on the date for our wedding! august 11th! I am so excited. it's now a little over 132 days away. we decided since we both love the beach we would have the reception at the beach and the ceremony in a friend of chris's barn in texas. we are crazy busy not only with the tour dates but also the planning of our wedding. Chris isn't like most guys ya know not really involved hes really involved and I love it. hes there every step of the way rather hes running on just a few hours of sleep or not hes there and its really sweet. I am so lucky. we've decided that we want porter to be our ring bearer and jaylee to be one of my brides maids. honestly I never thought I would ever end up getting married because of my past and my career line, I mean come on WWE woman wrestler yea that's what guys really wanna bring home to meet there moms. what a lot of people don't know about women wrestlers is we were built to not only break bones but to break hearts, no we don't always break hearts but sometimes we do and we cant help it we were built that way. I never thought someone like Chris would want someone like me much less love me but somehow chris both loves me and wants me, somehow he loves me for me and for that I am incredibly grateful! chris has been the perfect gentlemen since day one other then our rocky and shity time a few months ago before we worked our shit out and got our shit together. I'm not going to lie chris is a normal guy he farts in the bed at night, he snores really loud, he annoys me, he does stupid things, he's messy, he's stupid, he's crazy but he's my mess, my really loud snorer, my bed farter, my crazy, my stupid, my annoying guy and most of all he's mine.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so today we go to meet the wedding planner which is apparently like the best in the business, she better be nice because if she's not then shes going to be planning someone elses wedding cause she wont be planning our.

right now I'm trying to decided what to wear to meet her while chris sits on the bed and says "that looks great babe just wear that" right now I have 3 dresses 4 pairs of shorts and 15 shirts on the floor in our bedroom.

since I stopped training like maybe a month ago I've gained weight and I hate it so now I'm tearing away at myself calling myself fat and ugly so chris comes over and pulls out my white lace dress and a pair of my flip flops and says

"babe your not fat and wear this its my favorite on you now go get dressed cause we are going to be late"

I laugh and say "what would I do without you?" he smiles and wraps his hands around my waist and says "well lets hope you never have to find out" he stands behind me with his arms around my waist and kisses me. I always get wake in the knees. once we finish our make out session he lets me go and I go get dressed. 20 minutes later I'm done dressing and getting ready I grab my phone off the bathroom counter and walk out into the bedroom to find Chris on the bed with porter and jaylee watching tv. I walk out and Chris turns to look at me and I spin around and I get a cat call from chris. I laugh and chris says "babe you look amazing!" I smile and kiss him then he says "we gotta go though we seriously are going to be late like really late" and without we were out the door with the keys to chris's challenger and hit the road to meet the wedding planner at the beach bar and grill in lake jackson

we get to the bar and grill and walk inside to meet with the wedding planner.

we follow the waiter over to the table and meet with the wedding planner. nearly 2 hours later we finally wrap up the meeting with wedding planner. she is actually super nice and we are defiantly working with her.

once we wrapped up the meeting with her we went for a walk on the beach before heading back to our little rental house. once we got back to the house and went to bed.


next morning I wake up around 7 and the bathroom lights on then I hear someone puking and roll over to find alleys side of the bed empty meaning that's alley puking. I get up and run in the bathroom to hold alley's hair back. once she's done she sits down in the floor and I sit down in front of her and say "babe are you okay?"

Cliff hanger y'alll!!!!

The love story of alley and chris youngWhere stories live. Discover now