Chapter 10

183 17 1

Dhianna Gabriel

2 August 2013.

"Mariana, I need to talk to you." I said, as soon as I got inside the school ground and saw Mariana, alone, standing next to her car.

She smiled, and gave me a hug, "What's up, girlie?"

I furrowed my eyebrow, "What's up? What's up!? You've been under the wing for months, Mari. You didn't text or call and every time I saw you, you'll be either with Erick or with the whole squad. We barely get time to hang out."

Her face falls, "Bitch, why you complaining? We hang out every day at lunch, what more do you want? Geez."

" know that's not what I meant," I started, "You asked me to shoot you once you become the girl who would ditch their best friend when they have a boyfriend, remember? News flash, Mariana Rodriguez, you're turning into one."

A flash of shocked went through her face, then, she looked up at me and gasped, "Oh, gosh. Hell has really frozen over. I'm really turning into one."

"Want to hand me the gun or I'll find it myself?" I asked, sounding half serious.

Her face was emotionless but suddenly she smirked before saying, "..but you cannot blame me, you've been hanging out with Joel a lot, it looks like you guys are a couple."

"Who's a couple?" Chris suddenly appeared, startling both of us.

"Gosh, Chris." I said, hands on my chest, trying to steady my heart beat.

He laughed, "What are you guys talking about?"

Mariana walked nearer to Chris and whisper-yell, "I think Dhia and Joel has something going on."

Chris face fall but only for a few seconds and then he smirked, "You and Joel, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, guys. Ugh! You guys are so annoying."

I walked away as soon as they're starting to say something and before I got into the building, Chris screamed, "Deny it all you want, monkey head."

And I swear everyone in school practically calls me that the whole day.

As soon as I got into the cafeteria for lunch, I saw Erick and Mariana already seated at our usual seat and I walked towards them.

"D, hey!" Erick said, enthusiastically.

I smiled, "Hey, Erick."

"Do you wanna come over today, D," Mariana started, "My mum misses you and my brothers too."

I thought about it for a second, "Sure. I got nothing to do anyway."

"Great," She exclaimed. "Now, before you come over we need to go shopping. I need a new wardrobe."

I rolled my eyes and the old Mariana sitting in front of me. "Sure, Mar Mar."

Her fall falls and she frowned, "Told you not to call me that."

I shrugged and then suddenly I was attacked by million kisses on my cheek. I turned around to see Zabdiel and Chris grinning.

I glared at them, "You know you both don't have any privilege to kiss me all you want, right? Ew."

This only made them laugh, much to my dismay, "Such a baby. Always a baby."

I rolled my eyes and then suddenly Yoandri, who I find very odd, walked towards us. What is he doing here?

"Hey, Dhianna." He said as he took a seat next to Chris.

I looked at him without saying anything.

He looked at Chris and Mariana before smiling, showing row of perfect white teeth, "Oh, I just got transferred."

"Oh," I said, "Great."

"Yeah, we get to hang out more, right guys?" He said to everyone at the table and everyone cheered for him.

Once lunch finished, I got ready to go my next class which is Biology and when I entered the lab, the only place left was next to Yoandri. I literally face palmed myself.

"Hey, Dhianna." He said, as his face lights up in the pale lighting of the lab.
"Hey, Yoandri." I replied.

"So..." He started, "I think you're pretty cool and I would like to get to know you more."

That caught me off guard, and seriously makes me uncomfortable.

"Yoandri, we're in school and of course you can get to know me more. You're pretty cool yourself." I said.

He smiled, but even that, it's not the genuine smile he always gave me, "Thanks. So, friend?"

I laughed, awkwardly, "Yeah, sure. Friend. No problem."

Before he could even say anything, Ms Aaliyah arrived and started the class and the conversation I had with Yoandri submerged.

After about 3 hours, all my classes are done and when I was just about to get into my car, I remember my promise to go shopping with Mariana. So, I waited for her.

About a minute after that, I saw Erick and her exiting the school building and I smiled at both of them.

"So, let's go? We shouldn't waste our time. Bye, baby." She said, as she kissed Erick goodbye and she enters my car.

The drive to the mall was quiet but as soon as we arrived, Mariana was as hyper as a nutty squirrel and I couldnt help but smile at her cheekiness.

She could be a devoted lover at times, a devoted daughter at times, a wonderful best friends at times, but all the time, she's just a kid-at-heart Mariana.

First, we got into the first store, which is Forever 21. After countless attempt at trying clothes, Mariana finally decided on 3 new crop tops, 2 skinny jeans, a few accessories and some shirts.

After many stores and countless bags in both our hands, we decided to call it a day, and go to the park. It was a hectic day so I agreed.

The park was as usual packed with kids running around, parents looking upon their children fondly and lovers looking at each other with so much love.

There was also many people with guitars singing beautifully for the entertainment of the people in the park.

As we were strolling, I saw a guy in a band shirt and a bandana around his head, singing with a guitar, beautifully. I smiled at him and gave him a 5 dollar.

But when he looked up, I felt a familiar pang. He was smiling, and when he saw me, he smile even more.


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