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Life was created beautifully. I mean, look at our surroundings, filled with cascading cold water from the waterfall, beautiful flowers and blue clouds.

But, life was also created to teach us lessons, and if we're going through the lessons, you could say the experience made the world look less appealing.

Wait, wait. What am I rambling about. Hi, my name is Dhia. Dhianna Gabriel. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this humble, oh humble, yet beautiful story of my life.

I believe that love exists and matter how hard we try to push love away, it will come to you and you will accept it wholeheartedly, because that's what human are created for. To love and to be loved.

Sure, all things in life has upside downs, it all came down to how we managed to ride the roller coaster of life that pretty much has no stopping points. But, there's always a starting point when you started living.

My starting point started when I met the great love my life. Oh, don't tell him I told you he's the great love of my life, because we know how cocky he could get.

Moving on, meeting the love of my life was so odd I never thought it was actually a fated moment when I would meet him. We found love in the most unexplainable ways possible and it surprised me on how much in a short matter of time, he could be my whole world when a few months earlier he was oblivious to me. I don't even know he existed.

But, that's it. That's the great thing about love, you could meet your love of your life in the middle of a line to buy tickets to your favourite football match or simply strolling in the park when someone just fall in front of you, and mischievously hurt their ankles.

Love finds us in a most odd yet beautiful ways and I can't wait to tell you about him. Just make sure you don't love more than I do because we all know no one could ever love and cherish more than I do. Only death could apart us 😉

Dhia Gabriel.

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